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Enotria The Last Song Elemental Status Effects Explained

Explore the risk/reward dynamics as we delve into the various Elements and the Status effects they impose in Enotria: The Last Song.
Enotria The Last Song Elemental Status Effects Explained
Jyamma Games

As you navigate the world of Enotira: The Last Song, you'll encounter various foes that inflict damage not only through their weapons but also through status effects. These status effects are more complex than just dealing damage over time; each is thoughtfully designed with unique mechanics.

Understanding how each status effect operates and how to leverage them will be crucial for your survival in upcoming battles. Below, we’ll break down the different status effects in Enotira: The Last Song and how they function.

All Elemental Status Effects In Enotria Explained

In Enotria: The Last Song, four main elements can be channeled through weapons, consumables, or throwable items, each inflicting specific status effects on you or your enemies. These effects do more than simply drain health; they have unique consequences worth understanding.

Elemental Status Effects Explianed below
Below is a list of the four Elements and the status effects they inflict. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)

Here’s a breakdown of the elements and their status effects in Enotria: The Last Song:

Vis Element (Inflicts Dizzy)

  • Effect: Reduces defense but increases damage and stamina regeneration.
  • While this element boosts your damage output, it also lowers your defense, creating a risk-reward situation where you can maximize damage if you avoid hits. You can inflict this effect on yourself with consumables for an aggressive playstyle.

Fatuo Element (Inflicts Wicked)

  • Effect: Enhances elemental damage, but causes the attacker to heal when hitting a target affected by Wicked.
  • When an enemy is afflicted with Wicked, they gain significant boosts to elemental strength. However, any damage inflicted on them heals the attacker for a portion of the damage dealt. This makes it beneficial to use on yourself for the elemental boost or to inflict on enemies for health recovery.

Gratia Element (Inflicts Radiant)

  • Effect: Recovers health over time, but getting hit causes an explosion that damages all nearby units.
  • Inflicting Radiant is advantageous for dealing burst damage when enemies are struck, making it useful for crowd control. You can self-inflict this status for health regeneration, but be cautious, as getting hit will result in considerable damage.

Malanno Element (Inflicts Sick)

  • Effect: Causes gradual health loss for the afflicted, while nearby enemies also lose health.
  • Enemies affected by Sick continuously lose health, similar to poison in Souls games, but getting close to them can damage you as well. Inflicting Sick on yourself can be beneficial if you have a high health pool, allowing you to deal damage over time to any nearby foes.

Elemental Defense In Enotria: The Last Stand

Lastly, we want to touch on a feature known as elemental defense that enemies have in the game. But before we get into that, it’s essential to understand the elemental weaknesses that operate in a rock-paper-scissors style among the four elements: Vis is weak to Fatuo, Fatuo is weak to Gratia, Gratia is weak to Malanno, and Malanno is weak to Vis.

Elemental Status Defences
Elemental Defense gives enemies full immunity to one element, but also makes them very weak to its counter. (Picture: Shane / Jyamma Games)

Elemental defense functions in such a way that some enemies possess innate elemental resistance, meaning they are immune to one specific element and its effects while being particularly vulnerable to its counter. For example, an enemy with Vis defenses will be notably weak against Fatuo.

This aspect is critical to consider during battles, especially in boss fights where certain enemies may have elemental defenses that you can exploit with the correct element. Thankfully, with this guide, you now have all the information you need to effectively navigate and utilize the powerful elemental status effects in Enotria: The Last Song.