As the release of Civilization 7 is less than a month away, the final leader and civ reveals are continuing to roll in. With the Modern Age now in the spotlight, some of the most anticipated additions are landing. The French Empire was believed to be present due to Napoleon Bonaparte being revealed early on as a leader, but we now know another pivotl figure in French history will join the roster of leaders in Civ 7.
Civ 7 Leader Reveal Confirms The Marquis de Lafayette
While it looked like Napoleon Bonaparte could be the only Frenchman in Civilization 7, they've now confirmed Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette, as a new leader. This will mark the first time Lafayette has been featured as a leader, but it also appears to be his first Civilization appearance ever.
During the American Revolution, Lafayette actually volunteered to join the Continental Army in the war against the British. While this is often his most remembered mark on history, Lafayette was embroiled in some of the most uniquely turbulent times throughout both French and early American history.
With such an indelible mark on diplomacy of his era, Lafayette will be a cultural and diplomatic focused leader in Civ 7. His unique ability Hero of Two Worlds has massive potential, as it provides a massive incentive for other civlizations to work with you.
This ability grants a unique endeavor called 'Reform' which grants an additional Social Policy slot, and that benefit can be carried over to any other leader that chooses to support this endeavor. In addition, Lafeyette receives increased culture and happiness per age in settlements with a boost for those further away in Distant Lands.
Lafayette's unique agenda French Quarters will also build your relationships with other leaders based on how many Urban Districts they have with all buildings slots filled. Between the two, players could build a powerfully diplomatic empire and utilize that en route to a culture, economic, or science victory in Civilization 7.