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All Civilization 7 Great People and Unique Civilian Units

Great People are yet another long-term mechanic getting a significant overhaul in Civilization 7.
All Civilization 7 Great People and Unique Civilian Units
2K/Firaxis Games

When it came to discovering and obtaining Great People in past games, it often seemed more about timing than anything else. Civilization 7 may be taking some steps away from historical accuracy by severing the link between leaders and civs, but it's allowed them to push deeper in several other areas to highlight real-world history. Civ 7 will make a big change by linking Great People to individual civs, but there are also Unique Civilian Units that players would probably also think of as Great People.

All Great People & Unique Civilian Units in Civ 7


Thanks to major changes pretty much across the board, it's no surprise that Great People are another mechanic seeing a big shift in Civilization 7. While some details may not be learned until the game launches worldwide, dozens of Great People have already been confirmed for the game with the various civilization reveals.

We already know they've made a big change in how certain units operate, though most early reactions centered on the death of the builder unit. A variety of civilian units will be part of Civ 7 including Merchant, Architect, Trade Ship, Scholar, Settler, Recon, Commander, Missionary, Scout, Specialist, and Commander units.

Some of these adapt past mechanics that weren't related to Great People, but others revamp things like how Commanders and Naval Commanders will replace Great Generals and Great Admirals. Civ 7 also features a separate class of Great Person Unit that, as of now, is exclusive to five different announced civilizations.

However, other civs like Egypt and Greece have a Unique Civilian Unit that isn't a Great Person Unit, though these feature a batch of named historical figures just how Great People operated before. First, we've outlined the known Great Person Units below.

There is a chance that additional named Great Person Units will be part of the game, either at launch or in future DLC, but as of now only these have been confirmed and look to all be locked to their particular civ. Only three civs have yet to be revealed at this point. Full details about Mughal India and Meiji Japan haven't been announced, but they have been spotted in gameplay and are expected for the Modern Age. Only one civilization, also expected to be Modern Age, has yet to be glimpsed or revealed at this point.

Abbasid Great People: Ālim

The Abbasid civ in the Exploration Age features a Unique Great Person Unit that can only be built in cities with a Ulema (Abbasid's unique quarter). Each Ālim can only be received once, is chosen at random, and the cost increases for each unit built.

Here are all possible Ālim Units and their abilities:

  • Al-Jāḥiẓ: Create a Menagerie. This Menagerie receives added Happiness.
  • Al-Khwārizmī: Activates on an Ulema Unique Quarter. Each Building receives added Science.
  • Ibn Sina: Create a Hospital. This Hospital receives added Food.
  • Al-Maqdisi: Activate in another civilization. Receive Gold for each Resource this city has.
  • Al-Farghānī: Create an Observatory. This Observatory receives added Science.
  • Al-Farabi: Activate on a Science Building. Receive a free random unlocked Technology.
  • Rabia of Basra: Activate on a Happiness Building. Increased Happiness in this City. 
  • Al-Shaybani: Activate on a Culture Building. Receive an additional Tradition slot.
  • Al-Jazari: Activate on an Urban Tile with at least one Specialist Slot for an additional Specialist. Has multiple Charges.
  • Ibn Fadlan: Activate on a Navigable River tile. Receive Influence for every tile of this River, scaled by game speed.

Spain Great People: Conquistador

Also in the Exploration Age, players using Spain will gain access to the Conquistador, a Unique Great Person Unit that can only be built in cities with a Wharf. The specific Conquistador is chosen at random, each can only be obtained once, and the cost increases with each built. Conquistadors can only be activated in Distant Lands, but they will immediately gain the ability to embark on ocean tiles.

Here are all possible Conquistador Units and their abilities:

  • Ferdinand Magellan: Activated on a Fleet Commander in Distant Lands to receive increased Movement and Sight.
  • Francisco Pizarro: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Infantry Units and a Cavalry Unit.
  • Juan Ponce de León: Activated on a Water tile in Distant Lands to grant additional Movement to Treasure Fleets.
  • Christopher Columbus: Activated on any Water tile in Distant Lands to reveal the world map except for the interior of Distant Lands.
  • Hernán Cortés: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Infantry Units.
  • Hernando de Soto: Activated in an Independent Power's Territory in Distant Lands to make that Independent Power a City-State with you as Suzerain.
  • Francisco de Orellana: Activated on a Navigable River tile in Distant Lands to receive Gold for every tile in that River (effect scales based on game speed).
  • Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: Activated on or adjacent to a Natural Wonder in Distant Lands to gain Gold for each Natural Wonder tile here or adjacent to this tile (effect scales based on game speed).
  • Miguel López de Legazpi: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Ranged Units and an Infantry Unit.
  • Inés Suárez: Activated on an eligible Settlement location in Distant Lands to create a new Town.

French Empire Great People: Jacobin

Players that choose the French Empire in the Modern Age gain access to the Jacobin, a Unique Great Person Unit only buildable in a city with an Avenue (French Empire's Unique Quarter). Again, the specific Jacobin is chosen at random, each is only obtainable once, and the cost increases for each built.

Here are all possible Jacobin Units and their abilities:

  • Paul Barras: Activated on a Palace to increase Relationship Gains by a set percentage per Diplomatic Action.
  • Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne: Activated on a Palace to grant all Land Units increased Combat Strength in Districts.
  • Jacques Pierre Brissot: Activated on a Palace to grant all your Units increased Combat Strength.
  • Etta Palm D'Aelders: Activated on a Palace or a City Hall to add a large amount of Happiness to it.
  • Georges Danton: Activated on a Palace to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Camille Desmoulins: Activated on any City's District to add Happiness on Quarters in that City.
  • Olympe de Gouges: Activated on a Palace to add Science on Quarters in that City.
  • Jean-Paul Marat: Activated on a Palace to add Culture on Quarters in that City.
  • Maximilien Robespierre: Activated on a Palace to unlock a Unique Tradition, 'Reign of Terror,' which grants increased Culture on Districts, but reduces Growth Rate by a set percentage in Cities.
  • Louis Antoine de Saint-Just: Activated on a Commander Unit to change its name to "Archangel of the Terror." Units within its Command Radius gain increased Combat Strength.

Mexico Great People: Revolucionario

For Mexico in the Modern Age, the Revolucionario is a Unique Great Person Unit only buildable in a city with a Zócalo (Mexico's Unique Quarter). The specific Revolucionario is chosen at random, each can only be obtained once, and the cost increases with each built.

Here are all possible Revolucionario Units and their abilities:

  • Amelio Robles Ávila: Activated on a Zócalo Unique Quarter to grant a set number of free Soldaderas Unique Infantry Units with increased Combat Strength.
  • Vicente Guerrero: Activated on the Palace to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Petra Herrera: Activated on a Commander Unit. All Soldaderas Unique Infantry Units within its Command Radius gain increased Combat Strength.
  • Miguel Hidalgo: Activated in a Town's District to summon a free Infantry Unit on every land District in that Town.
  • Ángela Jiménez: Activated on a Commander Unit to grant Culture for every Promotion it has (effect scales based on game speed).
  • Benito Juárez: Activated on a Zócalo Unique Quarter to grant an additional Tradition slot.
  • José María Morelos: Activated on a Commander Unit to heal all Units in its Command Radius to full health.
  • Antonio López de Santa Anna: Activated on a Commander Unit to grant it enough experience for a set number of Promotions.
  • Pancho Villa: Activated on a Commander Unit. When a Unit within this Commander’s Command Radius defeats an enemy Unit, gain Gold equal to a percentage of its Combat Strength.
  • Emiliano Zapata: Activated on a City Center to grant increased Culture to all Farms in the Settlement.

Siam Great People: Uparat

Lastly, another Modern Age option for players will be Siam. These are only buildable once you are Suzerain of at least one City-State, so the path will be different than others. Again, the specific Uparat is chosen at random, each can only be obtained once, and the cost increases for each built.

Here are all possible Uparat Units and their abilities:

  • Chakrabongse: Activated on a Palace to immediately receive a set amount of Influence.
  • Itsarasunthon: Activated on a City's District to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Phibun: Activated in a City's District to give the City increased Production for every allied City-State.
  • Pinklao: Activated in a City's District to give it increased Culture for every allied City-State.
  • Pridi: Activated in a City's District to give the City increased Influence for every allied City-State.
  • Dara Rasmi: Activated on an allied City-State to turn it into a Town under your control.
  • Sakdiphonlasep: Activated on a Tropical tile to grant a set number of Chang Beun Unique Ranged Units with increased Combat Strength.
  • Senanurak: Activated on a Commander Unit, providing increased Combat Strength to units in its Command Radius for every allied City-State.
  • Vajravudh: Activated on a City's District to give it increased Science for every allied City-State.
  • Wichaichan: Activated on an Independent Power. This Independent Power becomes a City-State with you as Suzerain.

All Unique Civilian Units in Civ 7

In addition to the formally named Great Person Units in Civ 7, there are additional civilian units which can have unique and sometimes even named versions also linked to specific civilizations. Three different civilizations have named unique civilian units in Civilization 7, and all are in the Antiquity Age.

Egypt Unique Visier/Architect Unit: Tjaty

Players using Egypt will gain access to the Tjaty Unit. These are unique "Visier/Architect" units that can only be built in cities with a Necropolis (Egypt's Unique Quarter). The specific Tjaty received is random, each can only be received once, and the cost increases for each built.

Here are all possible Tjaty Units and their abilities:

  • Amhose: Activated on the Palace to add Culture to the building. 
  • Aperel: Grants Chariot Units with increased Combat Strength. 
  • Hemiunu: Activated on a Wonder under construction to add a medium amount of Production. 
  • Imhotep: Activated on a Wonder under construction to add a larger amount of Production. 
  • Khay: Grants Medjay Units that have increased Combat Strength. 
  • Nebet: Activated on a Necropolis to immediately trigger a Celebration. 
  • Paser: Activated on a Wonder under Construction to add a smaller amount of Production. 
  • Ptahhotep: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'The Maxims of Ptahhotep' that grants increased Science. 
  • Ramose: Activated on a Wonder to add Gold to it. 
  • Useramen: Activated on a Wonder to add Culture to it. 

Greece Unique Scholar Unit: Logios

For anyone pursuing a campaign with Greece, they'll gain access to the Logios Unit. These unique scholar units are only buildable in cities with an Acropolis (Greece's Unique Quarter), each can only be received once, and the cost increases for each built.

Here are all possible Logios Units and their abilities:

  • Arete of Cyrene: Activated on an Acropolis to grant Influence.
  • Aristotle: Activated on an Academy to add Culture to the Building.
  • Aspasia: Activated on a Library to add Happiness to the Building.
  • Hypatia : Activated on a Library to add Science to the Building.
  • Plato: Activated on an Acropolis to give this City Culture per turn equal to a percentage of its Influence yield.
  • Pythagoras: Activated on an Acropolis to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Sappho: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Hymn to Aphrodite' that grants Culture.
  • Socrates: Activated on a Palace or City Hall to add Influence to the Building.
  • Thales of Miletus: Activated on an Acropolis to give this City Science per turn equal to a percentage of its Influence yield.
  • Xenophon: Activated on an Acropolis to grant a set number of Hoplite Unique Military Units with increased Combat Strength.

Han Unique Scholar-Bureaucrat Unit: Shì Dàfū

Lastly, players using Han China in the Antiquity Age will gain access to a unique scholar-bureaucrat unit. Rather than being linked to a given quarter, the Shì Dàfū Units are only buildable in the Capital once it reaches a given Population. Again, the specific Shì Dàfū is chosen at random, each can only be received once, and the cost increases with each built.

Here are all possible Shì Dàfū Units and their abilities:

  • Ban Zhao: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Lessons for Women' that grants Culture. 
  • Han Fei: Activated on the Palace to add Science to the Building.
  • Laozi: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Tao Te Ching' that grants Happiness.
  • Mencius: Activated on a Science building to receive a free random unlocked Technology. 
  • Mozi: Activated in the Capital to immediately add Population. 
  • Shang Yang: Activated on the Palace to add Influence to the Building.
  • Shen Buhai: Activated in the Capital to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Wang Yangming: Activated on an Army Commander to grant it a free Promotion.
  • Xun Kuang: Activated in a City to add Science to all Codices in that City.
  • Zhang Heng: Activated on an Academy to grant Science to the Building.

All Unnamed Unique Civilian Units

That wraps up all the known named Great People and Unique Civilian Units set for Civ 7, but almost every civ has a Unique Civilian Unit of their own. As of now, Russia appears to be the only civ in the game without a Unique Civilian Unit. This is likely to balance the fact that Russia has two different Unique Military Units, wielding the Cossack and Katyusha Rocket Launcher in the Modern Age.

Here are all unnamed Unique Civilian Units in the Antiquity Age by civilization:

  • Aksum (Tankwa: Unique Trade Ship. Cannot be pillaged. Increased Trade Route range.)
  • Khmer (Vaishya: Unique Merchant Unit. Immune to flood damage. Ignores movement penalties from Wet tiles.)
  • Maurya India (Nagarika: Unique Settler Unit. Adds Happiness on City Halls.)
  • Maya (Jaguar Slayer: Unique Recon Unit. Has the Jaguar Trap ability, creating an invisible trap that must be placed on Vegetated tiles; Jaguar Trap deals damage to any enemy Units that enter the tile and instantly ends their movement. This ability recharges after a set number of turns.)
  • Mississippian (Watonathi: Unique Merchant Unit. Gain Gold per Resource acquired when creating a Trade Route.)
  • Persia (Hazarapatis: Unique Commander. Starts with the Initiative Promotion, which allows Units to move after unpacking from the Commander.)
  • Rome (Legatus: Unique Commander. Can gain the ability to create a new Settlement after a set number of Promotions.)

Here are all unnamed Unique Civilian Units in the Exploration Age by civilization: 

  • Chola India (Ottru: Unique Naval Commander Unit. Opposing Combat Units in its Command Radius have reduced Combat Strength.)
  • Hawai'i (Kahuna: Unique Missionary Unit. Requires a Temple. Has a Heal action that doesn't remove this Unit after being used.)
  • Inca (Chasqui: Unique Scout Unit. Has increased Movement and Sight, and can see through Mountains and Rough tiles.)
  • Majapahit (Pedanda: Unique Missionary Unit. Receive Culture when you convert a Settlement to your Religion. Requires a Temple.)
  • Ming China (Mandarin: Unique Merchant Unit. Adds a large amount of Gold when using the Create a Road Action.)
  • Mongolia (Noyan: Unique Commander. Has increased Movement. Cavalry Units in its Command Radius have increased Flanking.)
  • Norman (Sokeman: Unique Settler Unit. When a Town is created, it receives a Wall in the City Center.)
  • Shawnee (Hoceepkileni: Unique Missionary Unit. Has increased movement, and Rivers do not end movement.)
  • Songhai (Tajiro: Unique Merchant Unit. Gain Gold when you create a Trade Route that has at least one Navigable River.)

Here are all unnamed Unique Civilian Units in the Modern Age by civilization: 

  • America (Prospector: Unique Civilian Unit. Activate on an unowned Land Resource tile within a set number of tiles from one of your Settlements. A path of tiles is claimed back to the Settlement and the tile's Resource is improved immediately.)
  • Buganda (Mwami: Unique Commander Unit. Increased yield from pillaging within the Command Radius.)
  • Qing China (Hangshang: Unique Merchant Unit. Gain Gold for every Resource acquired when creating a naval Trade Route.)

There are still three civs to be formally revealed that will add to this list at launch, though we know two of those should be Meiji Japan and Mughal India. Those civs have been spotted as Modern Age options, but full details on unique units and abilities haven't been confirmed. We may learn more in the upcoming livestream and once the game arrives, but as of now it looks like plenty of unique Great People are set to be in Civ 7 even if the overall mechanic has undergone major changes.