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WWE 2K25 Cover Star Potentially Leaked by Steam

With announcements incoming, the WWE 2K25 cover star may have accidentally been leaked weeks in advance.
WWE 2K25 Cover Star Potentially Leaked by Steam
GINX/Patches Chance

As the Road to WrestleMania begins to gain steam, the time for WWE 2K25 news is almost upon us. Key details are always expected around the Royal Rumble, but one of the biggest reveals may have arrived sooner than planned. After making an impact during the WWE Raw on Netflix debut, Roman Reigns could be due to take the spotlight if this WWE 2K25 cover star leak rings true.

WWE 2K25 Cover Potentially Leaked by Steam


While the teasers began during WWE Raw when Roman Reigns hinted at a major WWE 2K25 announcement coming up on January 27, any remaining element of surprise may have been undermined. When the WWE 2K25 announcements for announcements began with 2K confirming news on January 28 as well, the listing on Steam went up early to entice fans to wishlist the game ahead of pre-orders going live.

Unfortunately for 2K, the initial Steam listing included what may be the official cover of WWE 2K25. While the image has since been removed from Steam, it didn't go unnoticed. As seen above, the cover design freatures Roman Reigns as well as Paul Heyman. If true, this would mark Roman's second main cover appearance and technically his third for the series.

Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch shared the cover of WWE 2K20, but Roman was also featured in the ensemble cover art for the 40 Years of WrestleMania Edition of WWE 2K24 alongside legends such as Andre the Giant and Bret Hart. There's always a possibility that this WWE 2K25 image was just a placeholder, but it does look right in line with the cover styles of the last few years.

WWE 2K23 featured one strong image of John Cena with the logo up top. The cover of WWE 2K24 was even more similar, as it featured a background image of Cody Rhodes as well as a few ring shots layered into the design. Most notably, the WWE 2K24 logo is in the upper lefthand corner with the WWE logo rightside up and the 2K24 turned sideways. The likelihood seems strong with such clear parallels between each cover image, but fans will have to wait a few more weeks to learn if this WWE 2K25 leak is true.