The superhero team-based PvP shooter Marvel Rivals has officially launched for consoles and PCs globally as millions of players have entered matches with friends online. As the developer has been working around the clock to provide support post-launch, which includes the next season launch, expected to arrive in early 2025, one major issue has been reported impacting players on PC via Steam.
While we're unsure how or what caused this error impacting Steam as of writing, the developer has provided an update, including a workaround to possibly resolve it momentarily. If you're one of the players affected, we've detailed how to fix the error preventing players from making purchases on Steam for Marvel Rivals.
How To Resolve The Steam Purchase Error For Marvel Rivals?
NetEase Games posted to their social media accounts following the global release of Marvel Rivals that PC players have reported an issue involving making purchases on Steam. As this error sadly affected us as we're unable to purchase the Battle Pass, the developer has provided a workaround to help mitigate this issue temporarily until an official fix has been provided.
As such, this workaround was posted to the official Marvel Rivals social media accounts; affected players can follow these easy steps provided below and bookmark this page to be updated as we continue to follow this issue:
- Exit the Marvel Rivals game and launcher before navigating back to Steam and either close or sign out of Steam.
- Reboot Steam by logging in/signing back, and heading into the Steam settings.
- Scroll down to the "In Game" Steam settings and check if the Steam overlay has been enabled; if not, turn this setting on.
This workaround should help players make purchases via the in-game Store, like Lattice currency, cosmetic bundles, and the Battle Pass. Netease Games has noted that should this error persist, players are advised to reinstall the Steam PC client before restarting Marvel Rivals and attempting to make purchases.
NetEase Games is working to resolve this error affecting Steam players entirely; we'll update this guide to provide any new information, including the official fix to patch this issue. In the meantime, NetEase Games have posted the gift code for players to claim the Iron Man Armor Model 42 cosmetic skin, and Twitch Drops have been enabled for players to claim by watching their favorite Marvel Rivals content creators as the game has reached the Top Sellers and Most Played Games Charts on Steam following its release.