With days left until the Closed Beta Test concludes, players have been bringing the thunder and swimming with a lovable shark across the Multiverse in Marvel Rivals. Following the addition of Thor and Jeff the Baby Land Shark as playable characters, there's still time to bring a buddy to join them in the battle by claiming a Closed Beta Test code.
The Invite Code event is currently active in-game, and players must meet various prerequisites before receiving a code. This marvelous guide explains how players can get a Code to invite friends to Marvel Rivals.
How To Get The Level 6 Invite Code For Marvel Rivals?
With one week left until the Closed Beta Test for the superhero team-based PvP shooter Marvel Rivals ends, there are still ways players can participate in this ongoing testing period. Those who were unsuccessful in obtaining access keys and codes through the registration period can claim them from Twitch Drops when watching enabled streams on the platform.
The Invite Code event is another way players can get an access key or code for Marvel Rivals on their preferred platform. This limited-time event allows players to claim an Invite Code for a friend by meeting specific requirements.
According to in-game information, the first requirement is that players must have reached Level 6 before they can enter the event. Additionally, players must remember that these Invite Codes are limited, so do claim the code immediately.
The game's developer will release a batch of codes daily, which refreshes at 2 am (UTC +02:00), meaning these Invite Codes are on a "first come, first served" basis. Unfortunately, they can only claim one Invite Code during the Closed Beta Test, so once players have entered the event and claimed a code, there won't be another one.
Speaking of Twitch Drops, the second round is active between 29th and 31st July 2024, during which Closed Beta Test keys refresh at 12 am daily. They must watch 60 minutes or an hour of Twitch Drop-enabled Marvel Rivals stream to qualify to receive a Closed Beta Test code for their platform.
As players can only claim one key per account, PS5 keys are region-specific, according to the official developer post, and state which region the PS Stoe is located in. If players provide incorrect information, the developer has stated that they won't provide any "replacements or reissues," so do keep this in mind, PS5 owners!