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Marvel Rivals: How To Complete The A Hounding Conversation Achievement

A very "good boi" roams the Sanctum Sanctorum map in Marvel Rivals, and he has a bone or conversation to strike up with players in-game.
Marvel Rivals: How To Complete The A Hounding Conversation Achievement
(Picture: Marvel Rivals / YouTube)

Marvel Rivals' current season, Eternal Night Falls, added a host of brand new content for players to sink their teeth into, including new heroes, a game mode, and plenty of new maps. One of those new maps, the Empire Of Eternal Night: The Mystical Sanctum Sanctorum, is tied to the latest arcade game mode, Doom Match, and it has a few achievements connected to this map.

One achievement, A Hounding Conversation, particularly, involves locating Doctor Starnge's canine companion, Bats the Ghost Dog, to trigger interesting interactions and dialogue with a few noted heroes. This guide details everything we know about this achievement, including where to find Bats, which heroes can trigger this interaction, and how to complete the achievement for Marvel Rivals.

Marvel Rivals A Hounding Conversation Achievement: Where To Find Bats The Ghost Dog?

Firstly, to begin progressing with the "A Hounding Conversation" Achievement in Marvel Rivals, they first need to find the ghostly dog, and if you're familiar with the character from Marvel Comics, this shouldn't be too hard to determine. This basset hound was under the care of Doctor Strange after two previous times he was adopted; Strange has cast a translation spell on the canine for individuals to understand his barks as the English spoken language.

Doctor Strange's ghostly canine companion, Bats, is the "good boi" players will need to speak to for an in-game achievement. (Picture: Marvel Rivals / YouTube)

Unfortunately, subsequent events between Strange and Loki resulted in Bats' death, which saw Strange offering the dog's corpse to Yggdrasill; he returned in spectral form after the two heroes resolved their issues. As such, Bats freely roams his new home, the Sanctum Sanctorum, where players can find this ghostly dog at a specific area of this map.

Luckily, Bats don't roam extensively throughout this massive map, as they can be found enjoying their surroundings within the Sanctum Sanctorum's foyer area. Once Bats the Ghost Dog has been found, it's time to meet the achievement's objective, complete it, and be rewarded!

How To Complete Marvel Rivals' A Hounding Conversation Achievement?

The achievement is located within the Chronoverse Saga achievements, and according to the achievement's description, players are to strike up a conversation with Bats the Ghost Dog "when Eternal Night falls on New York." The objective does sound quite vague as players discover that he won't speak to any hero, so only specific heroes can trigger this interaction when approaching the dog.

Firstly, players must select the Doom Match, for which this game mode has the Sanctum Sanctorum map set to and should make progressing this achievement relatively straightforward. Next is to locate the foyer area, which is easily identified by a portrait of Doctor Strange holding this ghostly dog found to the left of the staircase; where Bats can be found roaming this area, and players must spawn near this location for the conversation to be triggered.

Players select the Doom Match game mode and spawn onto the Sanctum Sanctorum map near the foyer as one of a few heroes to complete the achievement's objective. (Picture: Marvel Rivals / YouTube)

The tricky part is that only certain characters can trigger a conversation with Bats the Ghost Dog, which doesn't have an "Interact" button to start the conversation, as Bats will initiate it himself. According to a Reddit post on the Marvel Rivals subreddit, there are a few heroes that Bats will feel encouraged to have a chat with, which are confirmed to be Jeff the Baby Land Shark, Spider-Man, Squirrel Girl, and Thor (h/t Lootward), and it appears the conversation varies between these heroes.

Bats' interaction with Thor centers on Thor's loyal and "trusty hound," Thori, while Spider-Man and Bats gleefully bond over J. Jonah Jameson being a "jerk." Squirrel Girl will ask Bats about a friend of hers that may be "on the other side," to which Bats promptly responds that he has chased after a handful of "ghost squirrels" during his time spent "on the other side."

Jeff the Baby Land Shark's interaction is the more intriguing as Bats wonders whether they should call up the Pet Avengers, to which Jeff excitedly responds to this idea. Neither Bats nor Jeff are members, but it's certainly interesting that this superhero ensemble has been mentioned, which may be teasing a few members possibly joining Marvel Rivals, but only time will tell.