In Ghostwire Tokyo, malevolent spirits lurk around every corner, posing significant threats as you advance through the game. To improve your odds in battle, upgrading your elemental abilities is a must, and the Jizo Statues can help you do just that.
However, these valuable statues are often challenging to locate amidst the vastness of Tokyo's cityscape. But don't worry! This guide has got you covered. Below, you'll find the precise locations of all the Jizo statues located in the Hatsuike Shrine area of Ghostwire Tokyo.
Ghostwire Tokyo: Jizo Statue Locations In Hatsuike Shrine Area
To ensure that you can access the Hatsuike Shrine and locate the Jizo statues within it, we recommend that players commence their hunt for these statues after finishing Chapter 4 of the game. At this point, most Shrine areas are unlocked, allowing you to freely access them and uncover the Jizo statues, including those located in the Hatsuike Shrine.
Each Jizo statue that you discover grants you one specific elemental buff, based on the statue's type. For instance, finding a Fire Jizo statue will give you one Fire elemental buff when prayed to.
The Hatsuike Shrine contains one Jizo statue, and it's easy to find if you know where you're going. So let's take a closer look at how to locate all of the Jizo statues in the Hatsuike Shrine area.
Jizo Statue 1: Wind Statue (Wind SP +1)
The single Jizo statue located in the Hatsuike Shrine area can be found in the far northeast section of the shrine. It's outside of the forest on the north side so you have two main ways to get there.
You can either work your way to the marked location by heading through the forest and fighting whatever may be wandering there. Or you can follow the road around the area that's on the left-north side and then you can turn right and follow the path to the Jizo statue.
Of course, you can use the map image provided above to make your way there from any side you wish. And if you can't find it, but are nearby, you should use your Spectral Vision ability to locate it.
Now that you know the location of the Wind Jizo statue in the Toyoi Shrine area, make sure to find it, as well as many of the other statues throughout the game, to boost your elemental abilities and conquer the challenges that await you in Ghostwire: Tokyo.