After delivering an extensive roster of characters at launch, Dragon Ball Sparking Zero DLC is now adding to that lineup. With almost a dozen in the first drop and more on the way, some players may be loading up only to realize the characters appear locked. While updating the game does prep for the DLC, there could be an additional step for players with the Season Pass to unlock their Dragon Ball Sparking Zero DLC.
How to Unlock Dragon Ball Sparking Zero DLC
While it should be easy to grab on any digital store once the first Dragon Ball Sparking Zero DLC gets a wide release, it's harder to find for players who already have the Season Pass. The first thing every player needs to do is ensure their platform is connected to the internet and the latest update has been downloaded. In addition to some balance changes, this Dragon Ball Sparking Zero update also adds in the new DLC characters.
If you try to launch after that, you may see the characters at the bottom of the player selection screen. Unfortunately, they're locked until you've installed the DLC pack. As shown above, Xbox players can try managing their add-ons and selecting the Season Pass itself which should contain the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Hero of Justice Pack.
The method may be slightly different on other platforms, but players should try some of the same paths. Manage game add ons that are currently installed, and try selecting the Season Pass as if to re-download it. Once the pack itself has installed properly, players will see the above notification upon launching Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
While there are 11 different character forms added in this DLC, players can actually try all of them out in a single five-character lineup. Gohan (Super Hero) is able to transform into his Super Saiyan form, then into Ultimate Gohan, and then into Gohan Beast. Piccolo can transform into his Power Awakening form, then Orange Piccolo, then Orange Piccolo's Giant Form. Cell Max, Gamma 1, Gamma 2, any new Piccolo, and any new Gohan can round out a lineup as players test out the new additions. At least two more Dragon Ball Sparking Zero DLC releases are planned as part of the initial Season Pass, but a second group with their own Season Pass could be released in the future.