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Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Controls Guide for Xbox and PlayStation

Learn all the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero controls for offense and defense whether you have ki stored or not.
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Controls Guide for Xbox and PlayStation
GINX/Patches Chance

Now that all the years of waiting are over, both veteran and new players are diving in and trying to wrap their heads around the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero controls. Players who have spent time in Budokai Tenkaichi, Xenoverse, Kakarot, and FighterZ will all notice a handful of similarities.

The challenge is that Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is often harder than those games with more complex controls in several areas, and that means every player needs a very strong understanding of the basics. We'll go over all the most important Dragon Ball Sparking Zero controls here so you can keep a quick reference available at all times.

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Controls Guide

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When you first launch Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, setting up initial options will prompt you to choose between the Standard and Classic controls. If you've recently spent many hours in the Budokai Tenkaichi games that preceded this installment, choosing the Classic option will give you the same guarding, ascend/descened, and ki charge controls as those had.

We'll be covering the Standard controls here, and it's the one most players should be using at first. Once you've got a good understanding of how everything works and the various moves that can be done, most of the individual controls can be mapped to different buttons via the Controls & Camera section in Options from the Main Menu or Title Screen.

First, here are the basic Dragon Ball Sparking Zero controls:

Action Xbox Series X|S Controls PS5 Controls
Move Fighter Move Left Stick Move Left Stick
Rush Attack Press X Press Square
Ki Blast/Rush Chain Press Y Press Triangle
Press RB and X Press R1 and Square
Perception Press B Press Circle
Step/Short Dash Press A Press X
Move Camera Move Right Stick Move Right Stick
Ascend/Jump Press and Hold LB Press and Hold L1
Descend Press and Hold LT Press and Hold L2
Guard Hold RB Hold R1
Ki Charge Hold RT Hold R2
Hold D-Pad Up then press X, Y, B, or A to transform into chosen form Hold D-Pad Up then press Square, Triangle, Circle, or X to transform into chosen form
Switch Character
Hold D-Pad Left then press X, Y, B, or A to switch to chosen character Hold D-Pad Left then press Square, Triangle, Circle, or X to switch to chosen character
Skill 1
Hold RT and Press D-Pad Up or Down Hold R2 and Press D-Pad Up or Down
Skill 2
Hold RT and Press D-Pad Left or Right Hold R2 and Press D-Pad Left or Right
Blast 2
Hold RT and Press X Hold R2 and Press Square
Blast 2
Hold RT and Press Y Hold R2 and Press Triangle
Enter Sparking Mode
Hold RT until Ki Charge until all yellow bars are full then the blue Sparking meter is completely filled Hold R2 until Ki Charge until all yellow bars are full then the blue Sparking meter is completely filled

These will give you a general idea of how most buttons are utilized, but there are many more advanced controls in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. Below, we'll also give a little more detail about how specific moves are handled and which situations call for them.

We've also separated actions that require ki so you'll know what your options are if your ki has been depleted during battle. Finally, for extra clarity, we'll note if an action is intended to be used close range, mid-range, long range, while grounded, while flying, or any other specifics which may be relevant.

Offensive No Ki Required Controls

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All of the following offensive Dragon Ball Z Sparking Zero controls can be used to execute moves without using or having ki:

Action Xbox Series X|S Controls PS5 Controls
Step (Close Range) Tap A Tap X
Jump (Grounded) Tap LB Tap L1
Start Flying (Grounded) Tap LB then Tap and Hold LB Tap L1 then Tap and Hold L1
Ascend (Flying) Hold LB Hold L1
Descend (Flying) Hold LT Hold L2
Step-In Attack (Close Range) Tap A to Step then hold Y Tap X to Step then hold Triangle
Step-In Sway (Close Range) Press RB during a Step to dodge Press R1 during a Step to dodge
Rush Attack (Close Range) Press X (continue pressing for combo) Press Square (continue pressing for combo)
Smash Attack (Close Range) Hold X Hold Square
Perfect Smash (Close Range) Hold X then release the moment your character starts to glow Hold Square then release the moment your character starts to glow
Guard Clash (Close Range)
Hold Left Stick Up then Hold X while enemy is guarding Hold Left Stick Up then Hold Square while enemy is guarding
Rush Chain 1 Press X then Y Press Square then Triangle
Rush Chain 2 (Heavy Finish) Press X then X then Y Press Square then Square then Triangle
Rush Chain 3 (Ki Blast Cannon) Press X then X then X then Y Press Square then Square then Square then Triangle
Ki Blast Cannon Smash After Ki Blast Cannon, Press and Hold Y After Ki Blast Cannon, Press and Hold Triangle
Rush Chain 4 (Heavy Finish) Press X then X then X then X then Y Press Square then Square then Square then Square then Y
Heavy Crush After a Heavy Finish, Press Y then Y then X After a Heavy Finish, Press Triangle then Triangle then Square
Lift Strike Hold Left Stick Up and Y Hold Left Stick Up and Triangle
Homing Jump Press A quickly after a Lift Strike Press X quickly after a Lift Strike
Air Combo Press X during a Homing Jump Press Square during a Homing Jump
Aerial Heavy Finish Press Y during a Homing Jump, can also then press X to begin an Air Combo Press Triangle during a Homing Jump, can also then press Square to begin an Air Combo
Grand Slash Hold Left Stick Down and Y Hold Left Stick Down and Triangle
Tornado Slash After a Grand Slash, press Y then Y then X After a Grand Slash, press Triangle then Triangle then Square
Follow-Up Attack Press A or Y after an opponent has been knocked back, number of attacks depends on character and increases in Sparking Mode Press X or Triangle after an opponent has been knocked back, number of attacks depends on character and increases in Sparking Mode
Dragon Homing Press A as an opponent is sent flying Press X as an opponent is sent flying
Dragon Smash Hold X while Dragon Homing, also Hold Left Stick to knock an opponent in a specific direction Hold Square while Dragon Homing, also Hold Left Stick to knock an opponent in a specific direction
Burst Smash Press Y while Dragon Homing, also Hold Left Stick to knock an opponent in a specific direction Press Triangle while Dragon Homing, also Hold Left Stick to knock an opponent in a specific direction
Vanishing Attack Press Y after knocking away an opponent, also Hold Left Stick to knock them in a specific direction Press Triangle after knocking away an opponent, also Hold Left Stick to knock them in a specific direction
Lightning Attack Press B after knocking away an opponent Press Circle after knocking away an opponent
Ground Throw Press RB and X when standing at the feet of a downed opponent, they have no chance of evasion Press R1 and Square when standing at the feet of a downed opponent, they have no chance of evasion
Chase Change
Hold D-Pad Left and Press X, Y, B, or A during a Rush Attack to switch characters and perform an attack as you switch Hold D-Pad Left and Press Square, Triangle, Circle, or X during a Rush Attack to switch characters and perform an attack as you switch

The top few actions listed above can also be used defensively to avoid attacks depending on your situation. If your opponent is charging a special blast and you're not too close, you can often rapidly step to the left or right to avoid the impact.

Offensive Ki Required Controls

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Now, here are the different Dragon Ball Sparking Zero controls for offensive attacks that do require ki:

Action Xbox Series X|S Controls PS5 Controls
Short Dash (Long Range) Press A while moving Press X while moving
Dragon Dash (Long Range) Hold RT and A Hold R2 and X
Quick Ascend (Grounded) Hold RT and LB Hold R2 and L1
Quick Descend (Flying) Hold RT and LT Hold R2 and L2
Z-Burst Dash (Long Range) Press RT and A again during Dragon Dash Press R2 and X again during Dragon Dash
Short Dash Attack (Close or Mid-Range) Press A then X Press X then Sqiare
Dash Rising Immediately after Short Dash Attack connects, Hold Left Stick Down and Press Y, then X, then X Immediately after Short Dash Attack connects, Hold Left Stick Down and Press Triangle, then Square, then Square
Dash Blow Immediately after Short Dash Attack connects, Press Y then X Immediately after Short Dash Attack connects, Press Triangle then Square
Dragon Dash Attack Hold X during Dragon Dash Hold Square during Dragon Dash
Burst Melee Attack Press X during a Z-Burst Dash Press Square during a Z-Burst Dash
Burst Strike Press Y during a Z-Burst Dash Press Triangle during a Z-Burst Dash
Burst Meteor Press X during a Burst Strike Press Square during a Burst Strike
Rush High-Speed Movement Move Left Stick and Press RB during a Rush Attack Move Left Stick and Press R1 during a Rush Attack
Rush Perception Hold B during a Rush Attack Hold Circle during a Rush Attack
Rush Ki Blast Tap Y, keep tapping Y for continuous blasts Tap Triangle, keep tapping Triangle for continuous blasts
Smash Ki Blast Hold Y (can be in motion when doing this) Hold Triangle (can be in motion when doing this)
Standby Smash Ki Blast Hold Y while standing still for a stronger blast Hold Triangle while standing still for a stronger blast
Jump Rush Blast Press LB to jump then Tap Y, keep tapping Y for continuous blasts Press L1 to jump then Tap Triangle, keep tapping Triangle for continuous blasts
Jump Smash Ki Blast Press LB to jump then hold Y Press L1 to jump then hold Triangle
Dash Rush Ki Blast Tap Y during a Short Dash, keep tapping Y for continuous blasts Tap Triangle during a Short Dash, keep tapping Triangle for continuous blasts
Dash Smash Ki Blast Hold Y during a Short Dash Hold Triangle during a Short Dash
Vanishing Assault Press A and X Press X and Square

The total ki required can vary depending on the move, the specific circumstance your opponent is in when it's used, and the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero character you're using. 

Defensive No Ki Required Controls

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Now for the other side of the fight, here are the all the defensive controls to use in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero that won't consume or require ki:

Action Xbox Series X|S Controls PS5 Controls
Guard Hold RB Hold R1
High Guard Hold Left Stick Up and RB Hold Left Stick Up and R1
Low Guard Hold Left Stick Down and RB Hold Left Stick Down and R1
High-Speed Evasion Press RB timed with your oponent's attack Press R1 timed with your oponent's attack
Super Counter Move Left Stick Up and Press X the instant an attack lands, can be used to break Rush Attack Chain Move Left Stick Up and Press Square the instant an attack lands, can be used to break Rush Attack Chain
Rush High-Speed Return Press RB when an opponent has used a Rush High-Speed Movement to attack from behind Press R1 when an opponent has used a Rush High-Speed Movement to attack from behind
Throw Evasion Press RB as your opponent is attempting a Throw to cancel it Press R1 as your opponent is attempting a Throw to cancel it
Ki Blast Deflection Press RB the moment you are hit with a Rush Ki Blast to knock it away, this recovers your skill gauge Press R1 the moment you are hit with a Rush Ki Blast to knock it away, this recovers your skill gauge
Ki Blast Reflection Press RB the moment you are hit with a Smash Ki Blast to deflect back towards them, a reflected Smash Ki Blast can be volleyed between fighters Press R1 the moment you are hit with a Smash Ki Blast to deflect back towards them, a reflected Smash Ki Blast can be volleyed between fighters
Recover Move Left Stick in the direction you want to roll and Press A, X, B, or Y when you have been knocked down Move Left Stick in the direction you want to roll and Press X, Square, Circle, or Triangle when you have been knocked down
Knock Back Recovery Press RB while being knocked back Press R1 while being knocked back
Impact Recovery Move Left Stick Down when you have been knocked back and are about to hit the ground or wall Move Left Stick Down when you have been knocked back and are about to hit the ground or wall
Dragon Dash Recovery Hold Left Stick Up when you have been knocked back and are about to hit the ground or wall Hold Left Stick Up when you have been knocked back and are about to hit the ground or wall
Midair Knock Back Recovery Press RB after getting hit by a Lift Strike to regain your balance while midair Press R1 after getting hit by a Lift Strike to regain your balance while midair

Be careful when guarding as an opponent may look to use a Guard Clash to break your guard, and you'll be vulnerable to attacks from behind while guarding. Using a high guard or low guard is extra effective against certain moves, but it also leaves you extra vulnerable to attacks coming from the opposite direction.

Defensive Ki Required Controls

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When you've got some ki saved up and need help in a pinch, use these Dragon Ball Sparking Zero controls:

Action Xbox Series X|S Controls PS5 Controls
Perception Hold B to counter next Rush Attack, can be used when you have no Skill Count Hold Circle to counter next Rush Attack, can be used when you have no Skill Count
Super Perception If you have at least one Skill Count, Hold B to counter next Rush Attack, may also consume ki If you have at least one Skill Count, Hold Circle to counter next Rush Attack, may also consume ki
Revenge Counter If you have at least two Skill Counts, Press Right Stick to counter an enemy while taking hits If you have at least two Skill Counts, Press R3 to counter an enemy while taking hits
Z-Counter Press RB just before a follow-up attack lands Press R1 just before a follow-up attack lands
Midair Perception Hold B after getting hit by a Lift Strike Hold Circle after getting hit by a Lift Strike

The total amount of ki used can change based on the move you're countering and the character you're using. Perception continues to use Ki while being held.

Sparking Mode Controls

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Use the following controls to perform special actions only available while Sparking Mode is active:

Action Xbox Series X|S Controls PS5 Controls
Violent Rush Press X, allows for consecutive rushes Press Square, allows for consecutive rushes
Hyper Smash Hold X for an unguardable Smash Attack Hold Square for an unguardable Smash Attack
Burst Rush Press X while performing a Z-Burst Dash, allows for consecutive rushes Press Square while performing a Z-Burst Dash, allows for consecutive rushes
Burst Finish (Up) Press Y during a Burst Rush to knock an opponent upward Press Triangle during a Burst Rush to knock an opponent upward
Burst Finish (Down) Hold Left Stick Down and Press Y during a Burst Rush to knock an opponent downward Hold Left Stick Down and Press Triangle during a Burst Rush to knock an opponent downward
Ultimate Blast Hold RT and Press B, Sparking Mode ends after this is used Hold R2 and Press Circle, Sparking Mode ends after this is used

That wraps up all the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero controls you'll need in every fight. Spend some time in Battle Training if you're struggling with the timing on any of these moves. Make sure to get accustomed to each fighter to understand how their moves work. You can also pause during any offline battle and check Explanation of Controls for details on the super blast and skill abilities available to your current character.