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Dead By Daylight August Developer Update - Perk Changes, Tunneling And Camping, More

The Dead by Daylight August 2022 developer update features updates to tunneling/camping mechanics and changes to important perks.
Dead By Daylight August Developer Update - Perk Changes, Tunneling And Camping, More

Earlier this year, Dead by Daylight's developers started posting a monthly developer update with everything players can expect for the upcoming month.

It's now time for the August 2022 developer update, and it might just be one of the most exciting ones yet, considering it coincides with the release of Resident Evil Project W.

Here is everything included in the Dead by Daylight August 2022 developer update, announced on 23rd August.

Dead by Daylight August 2022 Developer Update

dead by daylight trapper
Lots of fixes and changes are in store for August 2022 in Dead by Daylight. (Picture: Dead by Daylight)

The August 2022 Dead by Daylight developer update features a reduction to the grind, changes to perks, updates to the core game, and post PTB changes.

Bloodweb Cost Changes

In the last Mid-Chapter update, developers made an effort to reduce the grind and improve gameplay by completely overhauling the Prestige system as well as over 40 perks.

One of the changes involved was the removal of the Bloodpoint bonus from the perks BBQ & Chili and We're Gonna Live Forever. In an effort to compensate for the removal of that Bloodpoint bonus and truly reduce the grind, the cost of items in the Bloodweb will be reduced going forward.

Check out the following chart to see the new prices:

bloodweb cost decrease dead by daylight update
The costs of items in the Bloodweb will be decreased. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

These changes will go into effect after the release of Project W. The projected release date of Project W is 30th August 2022.

Camping And Tunneling

In the past Mid-Chapter Update, developers gave survivors a new way to protect themselves from tunneling: survivors immediately receive a 5-second Haste and Endurance effect after being unhooked.

Now, the Haste for the unhooked survivor will be 10% (up from 7%) and both the Haste and Endurance status effects will last 10 seconds.

These changes are in an effort to decrease tunneling even further, preventing killers from targeting one survivor out of the match unfairly.

Mettle Of Man

ash williams mettle of man dead by daylight changes
Ash Williams' perk, Mettle of Man, will see its recent updates reverted. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Ash William's perk Mettle of Man requires a survivor to take protection hits in order to earn an extra hit through Endurance.

In the last update, Mettle of Man was changed to be consistent with other Endurance perks, meaning that it would be canceled by completing any Conspicuous Action (touching a generator, healing others or yourself, etc). To compensate, survivors would only need to take two protection hits to earn it as opposed to the previous three.

The changes to Mettle of Man have been reverted, following the changes being taken by the community as a nerf; developers said they did not intend to nerf the perk, only to make it consistent with other Endurance perks.

The extra hit provided by Mettle of Man will no longer be canceled by Conspicuous Actions, and Mettle of Man will again take three protection hits to activate.

Post PTB Project W Changes

dead by daylight ada wong
Project W is the second Dead by Daylight x Resident Evil chapter. (Picture: Capcom)

Developers use data from the Public Test Build PTB 6.2.0 to determine what changes should be made to perks, killer abilities, and other features before the chapter hits live servers.

Here are all of the changes that are coming from the PTB content.

The Mastermind

  • The Mastermind's rush sensitivity will be changed upon release; this will prevent killers from bumping into objects so frequently when using his attack.
  • Upon release, The Mastermind will be able to damage survivors if he uses his Bound to interact with them during a vault. If the survivor stands too close to a pallet when The Mastermind Bounds toward it, they will now be injured.
  • The base movement speed between Bounds has been increased from 2.3m/s to 2.76m/s. The Loose Crank add-on's movement speed bonus has been reduced to 8% from 20%.
  • Survivors who are injured by another survivor being thrown into them during a Bound will now receive the Deep Wound status effect.
  • The collision detection of Wesker's Virulent Bound will be decreased upon release.


  • Reassurance: Reassurance allows a survivor to pause another survivor's hook timer.
    • Upon release, Reassurance's cooldown will be removed. Reassurance can only be used once per hook instance, allowing for a maximum delay of 90 seconds and preventing abuse.
  • Awakened Awareness: Awakened Awareness allows the killer to see the auras of survivors when they are carrying a survivor, as well as see their auras for 2 seconds afterwards.
    • The lingering 2 seconds of aura reading will be removed upon release.
  • Low Profile: Low Profile hides your scratch marks and pools of blood when you become the last Survivor for 70/80/90 seconds.
    • Now, it will also activate any time you are the only Survivor who is not dying, hooked, or dead. Low Profile will now also mask your grunts of pain, making you nearly silent.
  • Better Than New: In the PTB, Better Than New granted any Survivor you healed a 6% action speed bonus to repairing, healing, chest opening, and totem cleansing for 25/30/35 seconds.
    • Better Than New now grants a 12%/14%/16% action speed bonus to healing, chest opening, and totem cleansing & blessing.
    • Better Than New no longer has a duration. Survivors instead keep this bonus until the next time they take damage.

Racoon City Police Station

Racoon City Police Station was reworked and split into an East and West Wing in the PTB, making it smaller and more manageable for both killers and survivors to navigate. Hallways were also widened for ease of navigation.

Following the release on live servers, the number of pallets on the map will be reduced. And that's all for this August 2022 Dead by Daylight developer update. Stay tuned for more information when these updates and fixes go live.

For more horror content, check out our dedicated section for the latest Dead by Daylight news, leaks, updates, guides, and more.


Featured image courtesy of Behaviour Interactive.