Armored Core VI Weapons Tier List: Best To Worst Guns Ranked
This guide ranks all weapons in Armored Core VI under different tiers based on their application, damage output, usage, community feedback, and personal preferences.
Armored Core VI features weapons of different ranges, from melee weapons that you can hold in either of your hands to back and ranged weapons, where the latter act as your primary, depending on your mecha build.
Each weapon in the game exists as mecha parts that you can unlock and Assemble via the Garage menu. On that note, with the wide selection of different category weapons available at your disposal, choosing the right in Armored Core VI is daunting.
Seeing that, we are here with an Armored Core VI weapons tier list that ranks all weapons in the game under different tiers, making it easy to know which ones are the best to use and which ones you should avoid in your build.
There are around ten weapons in the game that we deem as the best weapons, as per their damage output, utility in combat, flexibility with different builds, and so on. (Picture: FromSoftware)
The Armored Core VI weapon tier list is based on our playthrough and experience with certain weapons in the game. We have also taken the community feedback and preferences while considering these weapons' flexibility factors to suit different builds.
S Tier
PB-033M ASHMEAD (Pile Bunker)
VE-67LLA (Laser Lance)
IB-C03W2: WLT 101 (Coral Oscillator)
Songbirds (Grenade Cannon)
44-141 JVLN Alpha (Detonating Bazooka)
SG-027 Zimmerman (Shotgun)
VE-60SNA(Stun Needle Launcher)
DF-GA-08 HU-BEN(Gatling Gun)
BML-G1/P20MLT-04 (Missile Launcher)
IA-C01W2: Moonlight (LightWave Blade)
A Tier
VP-66LH (Laser Handgun)
IA-C01W6: NB-REDSHIFT (Coral Rifle)
IA-C01W1: Nebula (Plasma Rifle)
WS-5000 APERITIF (Siege Missile Launcher)
FASAN/60E(Plasma Cannon)
VE-67LLA(Laser Lance)
IB-C03W2: WLT 101(Coral Oscillator)
IA-C01W7: ML-REDSHIFT (Coral Oscillator)
IB-C03W3: NGI 006( Coral Missile Launcher)
IB-C03W1: WLT 011(Coral Rifle)
B Tier
VP-60LCS (Laser Cannon)
Vvc-706PM (Plasma Missile Launcher)
BML-G2/P05MLT-10 (Missile Launcher)
VP-60LCD (Diffuse Laser Cannon)
EL-PW-01 TRUENO (Needle Missile Launcher)
VP-66LR/A (Laser Rifle)
VP-66LR/B (Laser Rifle)
HML-G2/P19MLT-04 (Missile Launcher)
WB-0000 BAD COOK (Flamethrower)
Vvc-760PR (Plasma Rifle)
VP-66LS (Laser Shotgun)
Vvc-770LB (Laser Blade)
WB-0010 DOUBLE TROUBLE (Chainsaw)
C Tier
SB-033M MORLEY (Spread Bazooka)
BML-G1/P07VTC-12 (Vertical Missile Launcher)
Earshot (Grenade Cannon)
Vvc-70VPM (Plasma Missile Launcher)
HG-004 DUCKETT(Handgun)
SG-026 HALDEMAN (Shotgun)
EL-PW-00 VIENTO (Needle Gun)
D Tier
LR-037 Harris (Linear Rifle)
DF-MG-02 CHANG-CHEN (Machine Gun)
RF-025 SCUDDER (Assault Rifle)
WUEGER/66E (Laser Shotgun)
IC-C01W3: AURORA (LightWave Cannon)
KRANICH/60Z (Pulse Cannon)
45-091 ORBT (Laser Orbit)
44-143 HMMR (Plasma Thrower)
HI-16: GUQ1 (Pulse Gun)
MA-J-201 RANSETSU-AR (Burst Assault Rifle)
In the above tier list, we have put the Moonlight Blade, the iconic weapon from FromSoftware's past games, in the S-tier even though many players think it belongs to the A or B tier.
Because having a dual-blade setup unleashes the true potential of the Moonlight Blades, making them on par with the S-tier weapons, mainly when you use them with the IB-CO3G: NGI 000 Coral Generator, the Pulse Armor Expansion, 07-061 Mind Alpha core.
Best Weapons In Armored Core VI
While the Stun Needle and the DF-GA-08 HU-BEN Gatling Gun are some of the greatest weapons in the game, we also like the Moonlight LightWave Blades. (Picture: Hritwik / FromSoftware)
Here are the best weapons in Armored Core VI that you should aim to get as soon as possible: