The Stone Tools group is one of the earliest equipment pieces players can find in the open-world environment or by learning its blueprints at the Workbench Station. Some featured tools include the Stone Axe, Hammer, and Sickle, which all have valuable uses, but the same can be said for the Stone Dorkip, a creation made by developer Astrolabe Interactive for Aloft.
The Stone Dorkip has a specific niche purpose in-game, and players who enjoy farming should get their hands on the tool as soon as possible! Players looking for this particular tool can read more in this guide as we explain how to get the Stone Dorkip and what it can be used for in Aloft.
How To Find And Use The Stone Dorkip In Aloft?
The Stone Dorkip, a tool created specifically for the game by its developer Astrolabe Interactive, is one of the many tools belonging to the Stone tool group. This specific tool has specific uses in Aloft; however, we have yet to discover it in-game, but it can be crafted once they've determined its blueprint.
On the topic of the Stone Dorkip blueprint, we've tried a few combinations using various resources and crafting materials but came up short. However, we found the resources and their quantities for the Stone Dorkip from a community-based Wiki page as a final resort before heading back in-game to learn the blueprint.
To obtain the Stone Dorkip blueprint, players must go to the Workbench Station and select the first icon on the left screen to access their resources. Place two pieces of Wood, one piece of Rope and a Sharp Stone into the hopper and hold the "Learn" button to acquire the Stone Dorkip tool where selecting the second icon below lets them craft it.
Based on its in-game description, the Stone Dorkip can be utilized "as a hoe or as a spear," which the latter is true as it can be wielded as a weapon to fight off the mushroom enemies while keeping their distance. Likewise, it can also be used to destroy the nodes; however, we would advise using the Stone Axe or Sword as it has a higher damage output than the Stone Dorkip.
For its other uses, the Stone Dorkip is best served as a gardening tool, for which it can be used to patch or remove grass, which removes grass with the Dorkip and gives it soil. But the best use of the Stone Dorkip is for tilling soil within the wooden and stone Farming Plots; once this is done, players can plant seeds before watering them, as with enough time, they can harvest the crops before they can be used for Cooking or crafting cures at the Brewing Lab.