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A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead: Tips for Survival

Here are some beginner tips for surviving in A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead.
A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead: Tips for Survival
(Picture: Saber Interactive)

The monsters in A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead can hear your every movement, making it difficult to avoid them if you're not careful. Sounds around you can tip off enemies to your location, too, making the situation even more dangerous. Thankfully, you're equipped with some tools - like your flashlight and trusty phonometer - that can help you out. Here are some tips for surviving in A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead and evading the enemies in your path.

Don't Make A Sound

a quite place
Staying quiet is necessary, as the name of the game hints.

The monsters in A Quiet Place react to sound, so you'll want to avoid making any sounds whatsoever. A single noise can easily give you away, as the enemies in this game are incredibly responsive to sound. This includes both in-game sounds from Alex, like coughing from asthma attacks, and sounds that you make yourself, if you have your microphone on. So, you're required to be quiet both in-game and in real life, adding a new layer of immersion.

Manage Asthma & Pick Up Inhalers

To prevent Alex's asthma attacks - which are the most common source of loud sounds that alert enemies - be sure to pick up any Inhalers you see around and manage your asthma regularly. Letting your asthma rates get too high can easily cause Alex to have an asthma attack, which will almost inevitably direct enemies right to your location.

Play In A Quiet Place

No pun intended, you'll want to play this game in a quiet place if you turn your microphone detection on. Background noises can alert monsters, so playing in a place with lots of background noise can cause you to lose. If background noises are too loud or you have to play in a public place, you'll likely want to turn microphone noise detection off. While this doesn't allow for an immersive experience, it may be the only way to keep Alex alive.

Use The Phonometer

On the topic of avoiding sound, don't forget to use your Phonometer. This lets you know not only how much sound you're making, but also how much sound the environment around you is making. If the environment around you is louder than you are, you might be able to mask your footsteps or other movements - so be sure to use this to your advantage.

Utilize The Environment As Much As Possible

environment hiding a quiet place
Be sure to explore and familiarize yourself with the environment around you.

Of course, since sound brings enemies to your location, you'll want to avoid making sound - but you can also use the environment to help you out to an extent. For example, you can hide behind crates or other objects to keep monsters from seeing you. This should only be a last resort and is still risky, since these monsters have pretty keen tracking once they've honed in on your location via sound.

As we noted, you can also use sound to mask your location - but be sure to check if the environmental sounds are loud enough to mask your noises on the Phonometer, first. If they aren't, you could accidentally bring a creature to your location.

Hopefully, these beginner tips can help you out with surviving the dangerous locations in A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead. Overall, your goal is to stay quiet as much as possible, and hide if absolutely necessary. While the creatures are drawn to sound, you can trick them by cleverly using masking.