We've all been in a similar situation while playing a match of Valorant. Whether it's teammates not in voice chat, refusing to make callouts, or simply forgetting location callouts can be the difference between winning or losing.
There's also a less talked about issue, and that's the ability for disabled players to properly communicate with ease. Via Reddit, a mute player shared their opinions on how Valorant could improve its ping system allowing players to communicate better without the need for voice comms, with the community rallying behind their thoughts.
(Picture: Riot Games)
As the ping system in Riot's tactical shooter currently holds very little options for players to communicate information, fans have questioned when will the developers work on adding more options to it. With one of them answering that they were already working towards a better system.
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"We're in the process of creating an initial round of new VO lines for major regions on the maps - A, B, C, Mid, etc. - so we can append those to ping and radio command audio. The regions already appear in chat, but having the characters say the regions out loud will make a big difference. We plan to add a lot more 'tactical VO' over time," a dev that goes by ProgRocktopus on shared on Reddit.
After a user shared how voice comms work on games like Paladins, Prog went on to explain the difficulties of implementing a feature like that in Valorant.
"We deliberately decided not to use the 'first letter' approach (Tribes, Paladins, etc.) to keep the keypresses fast and accessible. For example, it's ergonomically difficult to keep your hand on WASD (especially if moving) and accurately press H without looking. People with smaller hands or limited movement will struggle even more with it. Our game is pretty different than Paladins, as you know, and we believe that learning the patterns in the V 1-6 model is worth the speed and accuracy in a game with lots of dangerous corners and fast time to kill."
Hopefully, we get more info on these changes soon. Meanwhile, that's not the only thing Valorant players are complaining about, as some feel the Battle Pass demands too much time to complete.