Riot has shared the teaser for the upcoming Valorant Duelist officially along with the State of Agents. In the image shared by Riot, we can see the new agent's arm and a dish he/she is enjoying. However, they might have just given us a hint regarding the origin of the new duelist.
The name of the image shared in the press release is "duckblood" which is a popular dish in China, as per Wikipedia, and is usually served with vermicelli soup. Given that Valorant was released in China this year, it is possible that Riot will bring the new duelist from the country.
Duck Blood and Vermicelli Soup is a traditional delicacy of Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province; however, since it is eaten in other parts of China as well, we can't make any predictions regarding the agent's city.
Again, this is just a prediction, and Riot is yet to reveal anything officially. However, they have revealed that they have "also got a little twist you never thought would make it into VALORANT... well.. Some of you mayyyy have been dreaming in the right direction."
We will update this page once Riot confirms it officially, so make sure to keep an eye on it.