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KRÜ Esports Benches Klaus; MTA Returns To Active Roster

This decision has been made while taking their Champions qualifications into account.
KRÜ Esports Benches Klaus; MTA Returns To Active Roster
Picture: Riot Games

KRÜ Esports' VCT journey has had its own ups and down. They had a disappointing 2023 season but their unforgettable win streak took them to Champions where they got eliminated without securing even a single series. 

In 2024, they had a fantastic start in Americas Stage 1 but as they qualified to playoffs, the performance went downhill. They failed to qualify for Masters Shanghai and haven't registered a win yet in Stage 2.

To address this and in a hope to improve the results, KRÜ Esports has benched Klaus for the rest of the season and added MTA back to their starting roster.

"We made this change drastically, at an unfavorable time, but that does not mean that there is 1 culprit and that now everything will be fine, we are all part of the problem, but also part of the solution, it is in our hands to get back on track," said KRÜ Esports' head coach, Atom. "I genuinely believe that this is a high-ranking team, a Champions League team and a team that has the talent, the strength and the ability to recover what was lost."

(The above quote was translated by Twitter/X)

KRÜ Esports have to play three more series and winning those will be crucial for them if they want to keep their hopes of qualifying to Champions Seoul alive.