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GINX TV > Guides & Tutorial > The Casting of Frank Stone

The Casting Of Frank Stone: All Artifact Locations

Here's every Artifact's location in The Casting of Frank Stone.
The Casting Of Frank Stone: All Artifact Locations
(Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

In The Casting of Frank Stone, players need to find a myriad of Artifacts to 100% the game and earn the 'That Belongs In A Museum' achievement. Here's how to get every Artifact in the game, as well as where you can locate them.

How To Get All Artifacts In The Casting of Frank Stone

There are three different types of Artifacts: Champion, Story Teller, and Murder Mill. Completing each set of Artifacts will reward you with a unique achievement, while completing all of them will also net you an achievement as a reward.

Artifacts are highlighted in white, so looking out for highlighted items can really help you in your mission to find all of them. Some of the items are a little more hidden than others, though, so you'll want to keep an eye out.

Champion Artifacts

Completing the Champion Artifact collection gets you the 'The Champion' achievement. Here are the locations of all Champion Artifacts:

staff file
The Staff File is the first Artifact you'll find.
  • #1 Staff File - The Staff File is likely the first Collectible you'll come across in the whole game, and it's thankfully pretty simple to find compared to some others. After you head past the opening area, you'll find yourself in a room with two highlighted items. One of them provides some interesting lore, but isn't an Artifact. Walk over to the other one and pick it up to add this Artifact to your collection.
Symbols artifact
The Symbols are found on the walls of the sewers.
  • #2 Symbols - You'll find the Symbols Artifact after dropping through the grate and into the sewer area. The Symbols are located on the wall shortly after you drop down.
artifact newspaper
This newspaper article talks about Frank Stone.
  • #3 Old Newspaper Article - When playing as Jaime and looking around the garage while Chris and Robert chat at the table, walk to the table to the left of them and interact with the two papers sitting next to each other. Opening them up and reading them will grant you this Artifact.
epic of gilgamesh
This strange book is in the parlor.
  • #4 Epic of Gilgamesh - You'll find this book on a table in the parlor of Augustine Lieber's home, when you're looking around for her. It's the room with the fireplace.
This artifact is one of the easiest to spot.
  • #5 Weapon Designs - You'll find this artifact after entering the Lair of the Mill while playing as Jaime. It's sitting on the table in the middle of the room, and is pretty hard to miss.
face of evil
The Face of Evil is a book about Frank Stone.
  • #6 The Face of Evil - You'll find this book sitting on the table in the first room after you first go upstairs as older Linda. It's on a table with a lamp.
grandmother letter
This Artifact tells about Frank Stone's childhood.
  • #7 Grandmother Letter - When playing as younger Linda and searching for the others, you'll find this letter inside a locker. You'll need to first find the key by heading back a bit, crouching under the nearby opening, and grabbing it from the file cabinet.
frank stones journal
Linda finds the journal of Frank Stone himself.
  • #8 Frank's Journal - You'll find this Artifact in the same section as the Grandmother Letter, but a bit later on. It's in the section where Linda needs to crawl under the tunnels to get out of the area. You'll find yourself in a room with two doors: one that's locked from the other side, and the other that opens. Walk into the opened one and then crawl underneath; head to the right, and you'll find yourself in the room with the journal. You can then unlock the door from this side and exit.
session tape
This session tape features the voice of Augustine Lieber.
  • #9 Session Tape - Find this Artifact as Madison after opening up the secret passageway leading downstairs from Augustine Lieber's bedroom. After heading down the stairwell, walk out into the long hallway and check the tape recorder on your left for this collectible.
id card
This is the final Champion Artifact you'll find.
  • #10 ID Card - You'll find this ID card sitting on a table when playing as Linda in the section after your confrontation with Frank Stone. It's in the room with the generator, where you'll go with Madison.

Story Teller Artifacts

After getting all Story Teller Artifacts, you'll earn the 'The Storyteller' achievement. Here's where to get all of them:

estate letter
The Estate Letter is on the top floor of Augustine's home.

#1 Estate Letter - During the section where Madison enters Augustine Lieber's mansion and is looking for her, head up to the very top floor. Here, you'll find a room with a piano in it, as well as an Artifact. Walk over to the letter sitting atop a small table to read it and add it to your Artifacts.

lawyer letter artifact
The Lawyer Letter is found in the Curiosities Shop.
  • #2 Lawyer Letter - You'll find the second Story Teller Artifact in the Curiosities Shop, in the form of an old letter to the previous owner of the shop. It's sitting on some crates under the sign that says 'Dead Weight.
blueprints linda
You'll find the Blueprints when playing as Linda.
  • #3 Blueprints - This Artifact can be found the first time the player takes control of Linda. You'll want to walk up to the painting on the wall that you can interact with, then wipe away the dust on the plaque at the bottom. This will allow you to press a button, which opens up a new secret door on the other side of the room. Walk through it to find a new area with the Blueprints sitting on your left.
fiction book fold of fear
This hidden fiction book is called Fold of Fear.
  • #4 Fiction Book - Find this book, called Fold of Fear, in Augustine Lieber's Sanctum when playing as Linda. It's sitting on a table towards the back of the room.
demonic statue
The Demonic Statue is in Augustine's Sanctum.
  • #5 Demonic Statue - In the section when you're playing Linda in Augustine Lieber's Sanctum, you can add this collectible to your Artifacts just by looking at the statue.
Yet another Artifact found in Augustine Lieber's home.
  • #6 Shrine - Madison will come across this Shrine in the hallways of Lieber's home when looking for Stan. Interact with the Shrine, which has a subtle red glow and is off to the left before going down some stairs, to obtain this Artifact.
flawed lamp
Something is a little off about this lamp.
  • #7 Flawed Lamp - You can find this strange lamp at the back right of the Augustine Lieber's storage room when playing as Linda.
logan chen letter
This letter gives some insight into Augustine Lieber's business.
  • #8 Logan Chen Letter - This is one of few Artifacts you'll get automatically instead of having to pick it up yourself. Linda will find this Artifact herself after getting Murder Mill Artifact #9 and viewing the film.
grimoire page
This Grimoire page is found in an otherwise innocuous book.
  • #9 Grimoire Page - You can find this page in a book sitting on one of the desks in Augustine Lieber's bedroom. You'll find yourself in this room with Stan during Chapter 14.
bloodied ring
This is likely the last Artifact you'll find.
  • #10 Bloodied Ring - Madi will find this final Artifact on a tree trunk between a fork during her long walk through the forest towards the end of the game. It's after her confrontation with Augustine Lieber.

Murder Mill Artifacts

Earning all of the Murder Mill Artifacts will grant you the 'Murder Mill' achievement. You can find those Artifacts here:

murder mill artifact
The first Murder Mill artifact is a poster for the film.
  • #1 Movie Poster - Madison finds this movie poster when chatting with Linda about her films. It's hidden in a cabinet in the room where players meet Linda.
lost movie magazine
You'll find this magazine in the convenience store.
  • #2 Lost Movie Magazine - After entering the convenience store where Chris goes to buy milk, check the counter on the left to find the Lost Movie Magazine.
fanzine review
This fanzine review dives into the Murder Mill's history.
  • #3 Fanzine Review - This review of the Murder Mill film can be found on a table on the second floor of Augustine Lieber's home. You'll be able to access this area while playing as Madison, after a section playing as Jaime.
oracle of the omniverse
This book is found sitting on a table.
  • #4 Oracle of the Omniverse - This book provides some insight into the idea of multiple realities, and you'll find it shortly after playing as Jaime for the first time. When you're in the room with Chris and the others, you can pick this up off the table.
deed of sale
The deed of sale is a single piece of paper.
  • #5 Deed of Sale - This sheet of paper can be found at the very end of the balcony on the second floor of Augustine Lieber's home, in the same area as the Fanzine Review. You can access this area as Madison after a section where you play as Jaime.
riot broadcast
The Riot Broadcast is activated by listening to the audio.
  • #6 Riot Broadcast - This Artifact can be found in Augustine Lieber's Sanctum while playing as Linda. You can add it to your Artifacts by pressing the 'play' button on the audio stand in the back of the room.
broken super 8 camera
This relic is hidden in a desk.
  • #7 Broken Super 8 - Also in Augustine Lieber's Sanctum, Linda will find her Broken Super 8 camera in the desk after opening it up.
fake prop arm
The fake prop arm is sitting up on a shelf.
  • #8 Fake Prop Arm - You'll find this prop arm at the end of a row of shelves in a storage room in Augustine's house while playing as Linda.
alt movie scene
This alt movie scene shocks Linda.
  • #9 Alt Movie Scene - Though this is Murder Mill Artifact #9, it's probably the last one you'll find. Watch the film on the movie camera at the very back of Augustine Lieber's storage room when playing as Linda to get this Artifact.
murder mine 10
This shirt is found in a storage room.
  • #10 T-Shirt - You'll find this Murder Mine t-shirt as Linda while looking for Sam. It's in a storage room in Augustine's house, the same one as the Prop Arm.