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The Casting of Frank Stone: Where To Find All Relliks

Here's where to find the all the Relliks to add to your collection.
The Casting of Frank Stone: Where To Find All Relliks
(Picture: Supermassive Games)

To earn the related achievement and 100% the game, players will need to find 12 different Relliks in The Casting of Frank Stone. Each of those Relliks corresponds with a Dead by Daylight original killer, and comes in the form of an adorable - and somewhat creepy - little doll. Here's where to find all of the Relliks in The Casting of Frank Stone.

Hillbilly Rellik Location (#1)

The Hillbilly Rellik is the first Rellik you'll be able to find in the game, and finding it is thankfully pretty simple if you know where to look.

hillbilly rellik
This Rellik is the first you'll find.

 To find the Hillbilly Rellik, you'll need to head down into the sewers through the grate that you'll open up. You'll then need to progress through the sewers for a while, past the tracks with the machine sitting on it. Then, you'll find a spot where you can vault. It'll be on your right after going down some stairs. Vault over the pipes and you'll find yourself in a small enclosed area.

vault spot
To get to the Rellik, you'll need to vault over the pipes.

 In the middle of the ground in front of you, you should be able to see the Hillbilly Rellik highlighted in white. Pick it up to add the Hillbilly Rellik to your collection.

hillbilly rellik
The Hillbilly Rellik should be right in front of you after vaulting over the pipes.

When you're done taking a closer look at the doll, vault back over the pipes and continue to the right to crawl underneath the opening in the wall.

Huntress Rellik Location (#2)

While playing as Madison and exploring Augistine Lieber's mansion and looking for her for the first time, you can find this Huntress Rellik. However, finding it requires solving a little puzzle.

The Huntress Rellik is one of the most well-hidden.

You'll need to first get the sheet music from the flat area in the middle of the stairwell in Lieber's entrance hall. Then, you'll need to play that music on the piano on the top floor and head through the secret door that opens.

rellik huntress
This Rellik is in a secret room.

Walk down the stairs and into the next room to find the Rellik on the floor.

Trapper Rellik Location (#3)

The Trapper Rellik can be found by choosing to go into the Curiosities Shop as Chris.

trapper rellik
Chris finds this hidden Rellik.

Head to the very back far right, and you'll find this little Rellik sitting on the floor.

trapper rellik
This Rellik is found in the Curiosities Shop.

Wraith Rellik Location (#4)

You'll find this adorable little Wraith Rellik down in the Storm Drain when playing as Chris. 

wraith rellik
The Wraith Rellik is a little doll of none other than The Wraith.

At a fork in the path, you'll spot a blocked path on the left with one of the mysterious little boxes you've likely frequently seen around atop it. Turn around to the other side of the fork, and you'll see a spot where you can squeeze through.

wraith squeeze
In a fork in the path while playing as Chris, you'll want to squeeze through the wall.

After squeezing through, walk to the end of this small room and find the Wraith Rellik on the floor. Then, head back through the wall the way you came and continue on through the Storm Drain.

Clown Rellik Location (#5)

clown rellik
The Clown Rellik makes a sound when you pull its string.

The Clown Rellik can be found when playing as younger Linda, when walking through the Mill. You'll have the Objective "find the others" when you can get this Rellik.

clown rellik mill
Linda will find the Clown Rellik in the Mill.

It's in the area right outside of the Casting Shed; just head off to the little open area on the side. Then, walk through the door at the end, and crouch under the opening.

Legion Rellik Location (#6)

The Legion Rellik can be found on the second floor of Augustine Lieber's home.

susie doll
The Legion Rellik is a doll of Susie.

During this section of the game, you should be playing as Madison shortly after a Jaime section. The Susie doll is found in a corner, with several other Artifacts scattered nearby.

susie doll
The Legion doll is found on the floor.

Pick it up and add it to your inventory, making sure you've found all Artifacts on this floor before moving on.

Nurse Rellik Location (#7)

nurse rellik
The Nurse Rellik depicts the Dead by Daylight killer in a plushie form.

You'll find this Nurse Rellik in Augistine Lieber's storage room when playing as Linda.

storage room floor
This Rellik is found on the storage room floor.

It's at the end of one of the rows of storage shelves - there's lots of Artifacts around here, too, be sure to look around thoroughly. 

Doctor Rellik Location (#8)

doctor rellik
Linda finds the Doctor Rellik.

You'll find the Doctor Rellik when playing as younger Linda and looking through the underbelly of the Mill.

doctor rellik
The Doctor Rellik is in the Underbelly of the Mill.

The Rellik is at the back of Frank Stone's lair. To get there, find your way to the part of the Underbelly where there are two doors - the left one unlocked, the right one locked - to the right of a ladder. Go through the left door, crouch underneath the opening, and find your way into the right room. From there, unlock the door that takes you back the way you came - then go back into the room on the right, and open the other door at the back of the room. Heading inside, you'll find Frank's lair.

Twins Rellik Location (#9)

twins rellik
The Twins Rellik is thankfully pretty easy to spot.

Unlike the previous Rellik, The Twins Rellik is thankfully pretty easy to spot once you're near it. When playing as Madison, you'll eventually unlock a secret stairwell leading downstairs from Augustine Lieber's bedroom.

twins rellik table
The Twins Rellik is sitting on a table in the hallway.

After going down the stairwell, you'll find yourself in a long hallway. Towards the end, you'll see the Twins Rellik sitting on a table on your right.

Spirit Rellik Location (#10)

spirit trinket
The Spirit Trinket is sitting on the ground.

You'll find this Spirit Rellik towards the end of the game while playing as Sam and walking through the Storm Drain.

spirit storm drain
The Spirit Rellik is one of the last ones you'll find.

It's sitting on the ground in front of a grate, highlighted so you can spot it.

Trickster Rellik Location (#11)

Madison will find this Trickster Rellik during her long walk through the forest after her confrontation with Augustine.

tricker rellik
Madi finds the Trickster Rellik in the forest.

Towards the end of the path, you'll find a fork in the road where you can either go straight and squeeze through, or go right and through a strange door. Take the right path first. The random door will lead you to a small area, which just contains a little Trickster doll at the end.

forest rellik trickster
The Rellik is sitting on the ground past the strange door.

When you've picked him up, turn back around and head back through the door. Then, go back to the fork and take the other path to progress.

Champion Rellik Location (#12)

champion rellik
The Champion Rellik is found after the end of the credits.

This final Champion Rellik depicting Frank Stone can be found by sticking around after the credits. You'll automatically pick it up after a little cut scene.

So what happens if you already missed a Rellik? Unfortunately, if you missed a Rellik on your first playthrough, you won't be able to go back unless you've got the Deluxe Edition of the game, which unlocks the Cutting Room Floor mode. You can also unlock that mode by completing the game once. To go back and get any Rellik, just activate the mode and head back to the section of the game where the Rellik is found.