The next installment of the classic fighting game franchise, Street Fighter 6, is all set to release globally on June 2 after successful beta testing. It will introduce new features and modes while keeping its legacy intact, and you can already pre-order its Standard Edition on the platform of your choice for $60, Deluxe Edition for $85, Ultimate Edition for $105, and Collector's Edition for $250 on Steam and on PlayStation and Xbox stores.
However, it is better to check what experts have to say about Street Fighter 6 to confirm if the game is worth your money or time. The review embargo for Street Fighter 6 has lifted, and you can check its review, Metacritic, and Opencritic scores below, along with the experts' thoughts below.
Street Fighter 6 Reviews Out: Is It Worth Playing?
Street Fighter 6 will take the battle experience to a whole new level with new character redesigns and exhilarating cinematic specials. In addition to this, you will have a roster of 18 characters, with each having their unique mechanics, so mix up your choices and have fun with new moves in the arena.
"Speaking of battling, I was hugely impressed with the complete overhauls to the combat mechanics, the revamping of the netback roll code, and matchmaking. Firstly, the overhaul to the combat mechanics will be appreciated by new and returning players, especially given how intuitive the controls are. Now, by no means I’m a pro or veteran fighting game player, but the controls have been refined so that players of all experiences can enjoy them," Ashleigh Klein from GINX stated.
The new real-time commentary feature really hyped me up when it was announced, but it didn't live up to my expectations, as it felt a bit emotionless.
One of my favorite features in Street Fighter 6 at the moment is Battle Hub, where you can socialize with other players and play ranked and unranked matches along with Capcom's classic arcade games with them. "I was surprised that there were as many players chilling at the Battle Hub for Casual matchmaking." Ashleigh said.
The best thing is that, you will also be able to take all the gear that you earn in Battle Hub in the World Tour as well. As per the reviews by IGN and Gamespot, the World Tour is "dull" and didn't live up to their expectations. "However, this isn't much of a problem, as everything happening around the story makes up for it in a big way." Jason Fanelli from Gamespot said.
You will be able to customize your avatar and gear from scratch which is the biggest plus point of the World Tour and you will be able to take it into Battle Hub as well.
To put it simply, Street Fighter 6 is everything that its fan wants and will also make beginners indulge in it for hours. Thus, we think it is definitely worth buying the Street Fighter 6 whether you are playing the game for the first time or you are a veteran in the series.
You can have a look at the reviews and scores given by different reviewers below.
Street Fighter games are always benchmark moments for the 2D fighting game genre, but Street Fighter 6 feels extra special. The Drive System is an incredible addition to the fighting mechanics that gives you a veritable Swiss Army knife of options and meter-management decisions right from the start of every single round, the starting roster is the best Street Fighter has ever seen, its online netcode through three betas has been impeccable so far, and the number of smaller details that it nails right out of the gate is unprecedented. It’s so good that even the poor story and extremely slow progression of the single-player World Tour amounts to only a jab’s worth of damage on its metaphorical health bar. Whether you’re completely new to fighting games or are a seasoned vet, Street Fighter 6 is a must play. Read the full review.
I can't get enough of Street Fighter 6. It's been my last thought when I go to bed and my first thought when I wake up. It has a beautifully constructed fighting system, but also offers modes that take the game very seriously and, in other cases, not seriously at all. There are some small issues with performance in World Tour, but none of those are enough to derail the overall package. With the releases of new Tekken and Mortal Kombat games, it very much feels like we're in a new golden era for the fighting game genre. Thankfully, Street Fighter 6 steps into the arena looking good and fighting fit. Read the full review.
Street Fighter 6 is as good a Street Fighter game as I could hope for. I've already put about 50 hours into it, and I can see it lasting me years. With the story done and dusted I am now free to grind in ranked, sweating through match after match after match until... damn, where did the time go? This is a Street Fighter with more than a modern control scheme - it is a modern take on the genre. It is welcoming, accessible and progressive. It is social, silly and spectacular. And it is very special indeed. Read the full review.