Amazon Prime Video's animated anthology series Secret Level has debuted on the streaming platform as eager (and video gaming) audiences look to follow original stories based on popular video game titles. With each episode spanning between seven to 17 minutes, according to a report from Variety, each episode explored is self-contained and adapted stories, giving audiences unique viewing experiences.
The first eight episodes were made available on 10th December 2024, featuring original stories from gaming titles like FromStoftware's Armored Core, Saber's Warhammer 40,000, Bandai Namco's PAC-MAN, and Sloclap's Sifu. Regarding the latter game, its developer celebrated the Sifu Secret Level episode release with an announcement for the game, which players can look to be rewarded the next time they log into the game.
The Secret Level episode, "It Takes a Life," aired on Amazon Prime Video on 10th December 2024 as part of its season premiere; according to its episode synopsis on IMDb, it chronicles "a young martial artist bent on revenge learns the true cost of his obsession." With the episode now available to stream on Amazon Prime, the developer posted to the official Sifu social media channels that a "bloody surprise" awaits players in-game.
"Walk down the Path of Vengeance with Secret Level, the groundbreaking anthology series is now available on Prime Video," which to "celebrate this occasion, a brand-new ‘'bloody’' outfit is available now for free!" According to the social media post, the "brand-new bloody outfit" is available for players on consoles and PCs, which can be claimed for free, so boot up the game to get the outfit today!