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How To Assign Villagers To Bed, Home, And Jobs In Sengoku Dynasty

This guide shares details on how you can assign recruited villagers to a house, bed, and job in Sengoku Dynasty.
How To Assign Villagers To Bed, Home, And Jobs In Sengoku Dynasty

Sengoku Dynasty is a blend of multiple genres where the city builder stands taller than the others. Building your village, getting new villagers, and assigning them to different jobs, houses, and other such things is one of the staple features of the game. 

While you get to recruit your first villager pretty early, the game doesn't tell you how you can assign them a bed, house, and job. So, to help players, we are here with a detailed guide on assigning villagers to beds, homes, and jobs in Sengoku Dynasty. 

How To Assign Home, Bed, And Job To Villagers In Sengoku Dynasty 

Assigning Villagers in Sengoku Dynasty
You can assign an NPC to a house, bed and job only after recruiting them as a villager. (Picture: Hritwik / Superkami)

In Sengoku Dynasty, you can assign a home and bed to any villager via the Population tab in the Dynasty menu. To access the Dynasty menu, press 'I' or 'M' on your keyboard and click the "Dynasty" tab. 

Once you are in the Dynasty menu, select the "Population" option from the side menu. Now, choose the villager to whom you want to assign a house, bed, or job and click the LMB

Doing so will open a small pop-up window where you can select the Home and the Workplace. In the same menu, you can also Manage or Change the Job of the selected villager. 

Assign jobs to villagers in Sengoku Dynasty
By assigning different jobs to the villagers, you can utilize them to generate resources, which will aid the growth of the village. (Picture: Hritwik / Superkami)

When you assign a job to any of your villagers, you can manage them via the Jobs tab in the Dynasty menu. Before assigning a production-related job to your villagers, we recommend building the corresponding storage building else the villagers won't be performing their jobs. 

That is how you assign a home, bed, and job to a villager in Sengoku Dynasty. For more on the game, check out our dedicated Sengoku Dynasty section.