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Nine Sols General Yingzhao Boss Guide

Take down your first formidable foe with our guide on how to find and defeat General Yingzhao in Nine Sols.
Nine Sols General Yingzhao Boss Guide
Red Candle Games

Your journey through the world of Nine Sols in search of the Sol Seals is not for the faint-hearted, but the game thankfully eases you into its mechanics, combat, and overall difficulty at first. Once you've grasped the basics, though, the game presents its first truly challenging boss: General Yingzhao. This fight serves as a skill check for most casual players, but it's not an impossible battle to win.

If you're ready to take on Nine Sols and conquer the game's first boss, we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll detail exactly how to locate and defeat General Yingzhao, covering his move set, how to counter his attacks, and offering tips for the overall fight.

Nine Sols General Yingzhao Boss Location

General Yingzhao is the first major boss in the game, serving as the bodyguard to Kuafu, the holder of the first Sol Seal you’ll be collecting. To reach Yingzhao, start from the Four Seasons Pavilion hub, then head down using the elevator in the Central Transport Hub on the right.

General Yingzhao Location
You can find General Yingzhao inside the Radiant Pagoda, Guarding Kuafu, the holder of the first Sol Seal. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

Once you reach the lower level, take the transporter on the right to the Power Reservoir (East). From there, proceed left to find another transporter that will take you to the Power Reservoir (Central). Continue heading left until you find the Radiant Pagoda. You’ll need to gain access by switching on the power downstairs.

Upon entering the Radiant Pagoda, where General Yingzhao awaits you on the far right of the area, you’ll have a chance to activate the nearby Root Node and rest up for the fight ahead.

General Yingzhao Boss Overview

General Yingzhao is a centaur-like mechanoid wielding a large red spear, which he uses to stab, swing, and attempt to impale you. This fight has two phases, with the second phase adding two new moves while retaining the original ones from phase one. Let’s break down each move before discussing strategies for the fight.

General Yingzhao Phase 1 Attacks

General Yingzhao Phase 1 attacks
Below are the attacks General Yingzhao uses in phase 1. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)
  • Charged Swipes: Yingzhao runs across the arena, swinging his spear at Yi as he passes. He can perform this attack twice consecutively.
  • Charged Thrust: This is a follow-up attack with a slight wind-up after the sweep combo, where Yingzhao thrusts his spear at Yi quickly.
  • Two Hit Combo: Yingzhao halts and performs an overhead strike with his spear, followed by an upward swipe from below.

General Yingzhao Phase 2 Attacks (+Phase 1 Attacks)

General Yingzhao Phase 2 attacks
During phase 2, General Yingzhao will use all the moves from the first phase in addition to the ones below. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)
  • Aura Thrust: Yingzhao glows green and executes a forward thrust attack with his spear.
  • Descending Slam: A follow-up to the stabbing attack, where Yingzhao jumps into the air and slams his spear into the ground.

General Yingzhao Phase 1 Tips and Tricks

In phase one, General Yingzhao’s moves are limited and relatively easy to learn. The Charged Thrust is the most dangerous attack, as its wind-up and telegraphing are minimal. You’ll need to time your reaction carefully, either parrying it early, jumping over it, or attempting to dodge it.

General Yingzhao Phase 1 Tips
In phase 1, aim to parry as many attacks as possible, but be cautious with the thrusts—they can be tricky to time. If you're in a tight spot and can't risk taking a hit, dodging is your safest bet. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

However, note that the hitbox for this attack can be slightly behind the spear model, so if you’re too close after dashing through it, you might still get hit. Parrying or jumping is your safest bet, with dodging being a last resort.

When Yingzhao performs his Charged Swipes, parrying is your best option since the attack covers nearly his entire body. Dodging through it is extremely risky unless perfectly timed. For Yingzhao’s Two Hit Combo, however, parrying is your best friend.

General Yingzhao Phase 1 Combo tips
If you see the overhead attack incoming, you're better off parrying it since the timing is easy and the boss loops it multiple times. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

Parrying the combo is advantageous because the opening move, an overhead strike, is easy to read and parry. Countering this with a well-placed talisman will position you behind Yingzhao, allowing you to deal significant damage.

Even better, parrying and riposting him causes Yingzhao to restart the combo, meaning he will turn around and begin the overhead swing again. This allows you to parry and riposte up to four times before he switches to another move, making it a very safe way to inflict a lot of damage.

General Yingzhao Phase 2 Tips and Tricks

In phase two, Yingzhao uses a Chi aura-charged attack, which you can counter with the Tai Chi Kick when he glows green. This will stagger him for a few seconds, giving you a chance to land some free hits or place a talisman to deal significant damage at once.

General Yingzhao Phae 2 tips
In phase 2, follow phase 1 strategies, but run away from the descending slam attack and use the Tai Chi Kick to parry and stagger General Yingzhao when he glows green. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

The final and most punishing move is the Descending Slam, where Yingzhao jumps up and stabs his spear into the ground, dealing AoE damage. This attack can one-shot you if it hits directly, even with a full health bar.

To avoid it, either dodge underneath Yingzhao when he jumps to end up behind him when he lands, or dash as far as possible in the opposite direction. Keep moving until the last second, as Yingzhao will slightly track you in the air.

General Yingzhao rewards
After defeating General Yingzhao, you will be granted the first Sol Seal and be one step closer to your goal of collecting them all. (Picture: Shane / Red Candle Games)

Once you’ve mastered these two phase two moves, it’s just a matter of using the right gear for your style and practice before Yingzhao falls. Defeating him will reward you with a Herb Catalyst, access to a new NPC, Kuafu, and the first Sol Seal.