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Best Decks For The Nexus Location In Marvel Snap

These are the best decks for The Nexus location in Marvel Snap!
Best Decks For The Nexus Location In Marvel Snap

The Nexus is an incredibly powerful location in Marvel Snap. The total Power for each player at The Nexus location will be shared across all other locations. In most games, when The Nexus is in play, it is beneficial to abandon the other two locations entirely and save your heaviest hitters to play on The Nexus. 

During any Featured or Hot location, players should switch up their strategy to take advantage of the increased location appearance rate. So, if you are ready to start dominating The Nexus Location, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the best decks for The Nexus Location in Marvel Snap, including key cards, strategies, and more!

Marvel Snap
Iron Man is a great card to use on The Nexus. (Picture: Nuverse)

The Nexus Location Overview

Description: Your Power here is granted to other locations as well.

The Best Decks For The Nexus Location In Marvel Snap

The best decks for The Nexus Location in Marvel Snap are those with incredibly high-power cards or power-increasing effects. It is important to push your Power at The Nexus as high as possible, and large cards or cards that can increase power via other means are a must.

The Best Cards To Use With Kamar Taj Location In Marvel Snap

Here's a breakdown of 3 cards we look to use when trying to make the most of Luke's Bar Location in Marvel Snap:

Iron Man

Iron Man is usually the difference-maker in a lot of games where The Nexus is in play. Iron Man is able to double your total power at any location where it is played. Presumably, if both players are dropping their most powerful cards at The Nexus, the overall power level will be pretty similar. Iron Man allows you to push past your opponent and secure the victory. 


Instead of including any number of high-power cards in this slot, Shuri deserves special recognition for her supporting role. If The Nexus is a hot location, chances are both players' decks will be filled with big cards. Shuri allows you to grow your big cards even further by doubling their total power. 

Marvel Snap
Shuri and The Nexus make a great combo. (Picture: Nuverse)


Players can take advantage of The Nexus in a number of ways. If your opponent is playing all of their cards into The Nexus with no care given to the other locations, removing The Nexus from play is a great strategy. There are several ways this can be done, but Quake is arguably the most fun and has the potential to flip The Nexus entirely in your favor.

Players will want to take advantage of decks that include the above cards by playing classic big decks.

That's everything you need to know about the best decks for The Nexus Location in Marvel Snap!

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