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Best Red Skull Decks In Marvel Snap

Here are the best Red Skull decks in Marvel Snap you can use to reach Infinite!
Best Red Skull Decks In Marvel Snap

Red Skull is an iconic character in the Marvel Universe. He is just as powerful in Marvel Snap and has amazing stats in relation to his cost. Red Skull is a five-cost card, but one that comes with a whopping 15 power! As a caveat to these incredible stats, Red Skull has an ongoing ability that gives enemy cards at this Location plus two power. Red Skull works best as a late-game power play, used when your opponent has very few cards at the same Location he is played. Or, you can always remove the negative effects from Red Skull's ability using a number of different supporting cards. 

So, if you want to start abusing Red Skull's amazing stat line, we've got you covered. These are the best Red Skull decks in Marvel Snap you can use to reach Infinite!

Marvel Snap
Red Skull is a five-cost twelve-power card. (Picture: Nuverse)

Best Red Skull Decks In Marvel Snap

Red Skull, as mentioned, has amazing stats with the downside of buffing all enemy cards at the same Location he is played. Master Red Skull players will be masters at navigating the enemy's movements in order to optimize their Red Skull's stats. Alternatively, using cards like Zero and Sauron are great ways to remove the negative effects of Red Skull's ability. 

Ben Brode's "Nongoing" Deck

You know this deck has to be good if the man himself, Ben Brode, is recommending you play it. The idea with this deck is to remove the negative effects from powerful Ongoing cards like Red Skull and Typhoid Mary. Then, you want to buff them up using Shuri, before transferring the now-buffed card to other Locations using Arnim Zola. 

Ben Brode's "Nongoing" Deck List:

Red Skull Zoo Deck

Surprisingly, Red Skull has found a home in a zoo deck as your big finisher on the final few turns. Players can win the board early using powerful one-drops like Sunspot and Iceman. Then, drop Red Skull in an empty lane to get the maximum benefit. Alternatively, adding Dracula to this deck allows you to utilize the hand-emptying power of a zoo deck to guarantee your Dracula absorbs either Red Skull or The Infinaut at the end of the game. 

Marvel Snap
Red Skull and Sauron have great synergy. (Picture: Nuverse)

Red Skull Zoo Deck List:

And these are the best Red Skull decks in Marvel Snap!

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