If you have a particular fondness for the Rogue class in Last Epoch, chances are the versatile and potent Bladedancer Mastery has piqued your interest. However, to maximize the Bladedancer's potential, you'll require the right build, and that's where our top choice for the optimal Bladedancer build comes into play.
Dubbed the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build, this configuration ensures a smooth journey through end-game activities. If you're eager to assemble it, we've got you covered. In the following sections, we will delve into the skills, items, gear, stats, and all the essential details you need to craft your own formidable Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Rogue build in Last Epoch.
Table of Contents
Is Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Build Good in Cycle 1?
The Shadow Daggers Bladedancer is considered to be one of the best Rogue and overall builds in the entire game. Sporting one of the highest, if not the highest movement speeds of any build, it focuses purely on speed, but thanks to the build elements, it also has great damage and excellent defenses making it a guarantee that it will get you through Cycle 1 (season 1) of Last Epoch and beyond.
How To Play Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Build in Last Epoch
The Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build relies mainly on speed to become untouchable or at least uncatchable, and while doing so, dishing out tons of damage to rush through enemies. As such, the build focuses on proccing Shadow Daggers from Umbral Blades, Smoke Bomb, Shadow Cascade, and Synchronized Strike.
In addition to all these offensive skills, we can maintain the high-speed playstyle by casting Umbral Blades with Shift and Shadow Cascade through both Shift and Synchronized Strike. Ultimately, this means we're never stopping, even if we need to dance circles around our enemies. The build allows us to do so with ease and deal enough damage to melt through even the toughest crowds with one or two passes.
Finally, in regards to defense, the Shadow Daggers build has excellent scaling from Siphon of Anguish (which siphons damage dealt into health) and at its core, the Smoke Weaver and Wings of Argentus items boost our overall defense. Ultimately though, the build scales so well generally that even these defensive items aren't 100% required.
When it comes down to it, the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build excels at speed but also has a tanky nature to it and a solid DPS output, making it a powerful all-rounder.
Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Skills
Below, we present the skills (along with official descriptions) utilized in the top Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build:
Please note: For a full layout of every single skill point assignment, check out the brilliant and informative guide from Maxroll.gg.
- Umbral Blades - A combo ability that throws 2 blades, then 4 blades, then recall all blades in the ground back to you, hitting enemies along the way. An enemy can be hit by multiple blades from the same throw and by multiple blades from the recall. Shadows using Umbral Blades always throw a single Shadow Blade that deals 300% more damage and has a 100% increased radius. Only the first part of the combo costs mana.
- Synchronized Strike - Jump forward and strike in an area in front of you while shadows appear and simultaneously strike on either side of you.
- Shift - Dash a short fixed distance in the target direction.
- Shadow Cascade - A circular attack that's also used by your shadow clones.
- Smoke Bomb - Drop a Smoke Bomb at your feet that blinds enemies and grants you haste while you remain inside it. The Smoke Bomb grows in size over its duration. Lasts 4 seconds.
Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Passives
When it comes to passive skills, we want to invest 29 points into the base Rogue class, 61 into the Bladedancer Mastery, 5 into the Marksman, and finally 18 into the Falconer. These passive point distributions will see your Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build all the way to level 100 and are vital to making the build viable.
You'll want to make sure you grab Evasion for its damage reduction buff and Agility for its damage output buff when we stay above 100% movement speed (which will be 99% of the time in battle). Then you'll want Blood Dance for Melee Damage Leeched as Health, so get this passive as soon as possible.
Next, we suggest All In as it grants a huge damage buff, and since Shadow Daggers always crits, there's no downside here. Swift Assassin and Once provide extra benefits since Shadow Daggers has both Melee and Throwing tags. And Pursuit is a decent damage buff for the Movement Speed buff.
Perfection stacks provide large buffs to damage as well as Armor and Dodge from the Confidence Passive. And lastly, if you plan on playing Hardcore, Death's Door is always an option for additional damage reduction.
Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Stats Goals
The stats we want to focus on in this build are generally going to boost its all-around capabilities, meaning movement speed, health, defense, DPS, and mana are all priorities. So, to that end, here are the stats we recommend for the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build in Last Epoch:
- Capped Resistances
- Capped Critical Strike Avoidance
- 50-60% Endurance
- 2000 - 3000 Health
- 1000+ Armor (Pre Buffs)
- 100%+ Physical Penetration with Shadow Daggers
- 125%+ Critical Strike Multiplier
- 50% - 75%+ Movement Speed (Pre Buffs)
- 80+% Increased Mana Regen
- 30+ Dexterity
It's also worth increasing some of the other stats such as armor and Dodge chance to avoid taking unnecessary damage, but since you're going to be moving so fast, it's not recommended for the endgame rendition of this build.
Best Blessings & Idols For Shadow Daggers Bladedancer
As you approach the endgame and get ready to face challenges like the Monolith of Fate, Endless Arena, and Champion Arena, you'll want to enhance your strength by utilizing both Blessings and Idols. For the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build, here are the recommended Blessings and Idols:
Best Blessings for Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer:
Blessings grant you a lasting buff upon completing a Timeline in the Monolith of Fate. For a comprehensive list, refer to our detailed Blessings guide here. However, focusing on the ones that synergize well with our build and utilizing their most potent form, Empowered Blessings, is recommended, as outlined below:
- Grand Echo of Solarum - If you are lacking in Resistance, then this Blessing will give you a solid boost in Void Resistance.
- Grand Bastion of Divinity - Again, If you are lacking in Resistance, then this Blessing will give you a solid boost in Void Resistance.
- Grand Survival of Might - If you are lacking in Critical Strike Avoidance, then this Blessing will give you a solid boost in that stat.
- Grand Bulwark of the Tundra - With a 25% - 55% increase in Armor, this Blessing will give you a huge damage reduction boost.
- Grand Body of Obsidian - With a +(200 - 320) increase in Armor, this Blessing will give you a huge damage reduction boost.
Best Idols for Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer:
- Large Shadow Idol - Increased Shadow Daggers Effect or %Health and Elemental Resistance or Increased Armour Shred Duration.
- Stout Lagonian Idol - %Health increase.
For the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build, it's highly recommended to pick up the Large Shadow Idol with Increased Shadow Daggers Effect or %Health and Elemental Resistance or Increased Armour Shred Duration. Use Shadow Dagger Prefixes If you need damage; otherwise, go for health. For suffixes, take Elemental Resistances until capped, then go with the Armor Shred.
The Stout Lagonian Idol is also recommended for %Health if you need it. And if you haven't unlocked the Idols yet or need some help in doing so, be sure to check out our guide on how you can unlock Idols, their sizes, and more.
Last Epoch Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Items
When faced with the extensive selection of items in Last Epoch, it can be extremely overwhelming to pick the right ones for your build. Fortunately, for the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer build, we have all the details outlined for you below:
Item Slot | BIS Item for Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Build |
Ring 1 | Rejuvenating Sealed Ivory Ring of Deflection |
Ring 2 | Ballista's Siphon of Anguish of Sanctuary |
Amulet | Catapults Sealed Bone Amulet Of the Fox |
Boots | Dexterous Sealed Solarum Greaves of Defense |
Chest | Rogues Wings of Argentus |
Head | Dexterous Sealed Scalebane Grimace of Endurance |
Belt | Rejuvenating Sealed Praetorian Belt of the Ox |
Relic | Eviscerating Sealed Antidote Vial of Life |
Gloves | Catapults Li'Raka's Claws of the Giant |
Shield/Offhand | Maurauder's Sealed Katana of the Fox |
Weapon | Eviscerating Smoke Weaver of Stillness |
Certainly, if you discover that certain items do not align with your playstyle, feel free to make substitutions, as long as they contribute to either your movement speed or damage output, which are undeniably the foundational aspects of this build.
Alternative Last Epoch Bladedancer Builds
At the end of the day, the choice of the right build boils down to your specific and preferred playstyle, meaning that the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer might not be your ideal option. In such a scenario, we recommend considering the Dancing Strikes Bladedancer as the best alternative.
This build represents a variation of the Shadow Daggers Bladedancer, placing a greater emphasis on a melee, close-range approach rather than a hit-and-run strategy. It stands on par with the Shadow Daggers build, delivering substantial melee damage while maintaining a high level of agility. Check it out on Maxroll.GG to witness its potent in-your-face power.
And there you have it, our analysis of the best Bladedancer Rogue build, The Shadow Daggers Bladedancer. Of course, if any changes occur in the meta regarding this build, we will promptly update this page. A massive thanks to Maxroll.gg's McFluffin for presenting this outstanding build.
Last but not least, make sure to explore our continuously expanding Last Epoch section for the most recent news, guides, and, naturally, formidable builds!