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Viper Job Rotation In Final Fantasy XIV

Embarking on your Viper journey in Final Fantasy XIV? Here's how to get the most out of the Job role.
Viper Job Rotation In Final Fantasy XIV
Square Enix, Alexandra Hobbs

With the release on the Dawntrail expansion, two brand new jobs have been added to Final Fantasy XIV. Pictomancer, a new Ranged Magical DPS, and Viper, a new Physical DPS. Both Jobs are a delight to play, as we discussed in our Dawntrail preview, but they can take some getting used to.

As any FFXIV player knows, the best way to get the most out of your Jobs is to learn their rotations.

How To Play Viper In Final Fantasy XIV: Best Rotation

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Viper is a fairly straightforward Job to play and learn. (Picture: Square Enix, screenshot: Alexandra Hobbs)

While Viper might look daunting, it's actually easier than you might think, especially for a late-game Job. You'll be focusing on combos, and executing the right combos depending on the situation. For example, are you facing a single enemy or a bunch.

For single targets, you'll always want three buff effects active at all times, which are obtained by executing certain combos.

Start with Dread Fangs, which gives you either Hunter's Sting or Swiftskin's Sting. Select either to get Flanksbane Fang or Hindsbane Fang and, again, select either. This will flash up Death Rattle. Click that then restart with Dread Fangs again and continue on with the action you didn't choose last time and whichever button flashes up and follow that to its end. After this, you'll have all three buffs active. 

For Single Enemy targets

Start: Steel Fangs

  • Hunter's Sting — Flanksting Strike/Flanksbane Fang
  • Swiftskin's Sting — Hindsting Strike/Hindsbane Fang

Start: Dread Fangs

  • Hunter's Sting — Flanksting Strike/Flanksbane Fang
  • Swiftskin's Sting — Hindsting Strike/Hindsbane Fang

These combo actions include Noxious Gnash, which increases a target's damage taken; Hunter's Instinct, which increases the damage you deal; and Swiftscaled, which reduces auto-attack delay. Completing the third step of these combos enables Death Rattle, regardless of the combo route.

For Single Enemy targets that grant a stack of Rattling Coil

Start: Dreadwinder

  • Hunter's Coil — Swiftskin's Coil
  • Swiftskin's Coil — Hunter's Coil

These combo actions include Noxious Gnash, Hunter's Instinct, and Swiftscaled, which reduces auto-attack delay. Hunter's Coil and Swiftskin's Coil may be followed by Twinfang Bite or Twinblood Bite.

For Multiple Enemy targets

Start: Steel Maw/Dread Maw

  • Hunter's Bite — Jagged Maw
  • Hunter's Bite — Bloodied Maw
  • Swiftskin's Bite — Jagged Maw
  • Swiftskin's Bite — Bloodied Maw

These combo actions include Noxious Gnash, Hunter's Instinct, and Swiftscaled. Completing the third step of these combos allows the execution of Last Lash, regardless of the combo route used.

For Multiple Enemy targets that grant a stack of Rattling Coil

Start: Pit of Dread

  • Hunter's Den — Swiftskin's Den
  • Swiftskin's Den — Hunter's Den

These combo actions include Noxious Gnash, Hunter's Instinct, and Swiftscaled. Hunter's Den and Swiftskin's Den may be followed by Twinfang Thresh or Twinblood Thresh.