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How To Hide Players Near NPCs In Final Fantasy XIV

NPCs can get a little crowded when new expansions drop. Luckily there's a way to clear the noise.
How To Hide Players Near NPCs In Final Fantasy XIV
Square Enix, Alexandra Hobbs

The population of Final Fantasy XIV increases dramatically around the time of a new expansion (Endwalker queues, anyone?) and that means worlds start to feel a little congested. With the release of Dawntrail, there's a whole new batch of Main Scenario Quests to complete, for you and for everyone else.

This means players tend to crowd around the required NPC, often making it hard to see or interact with them. Thankfully, there's a way to reduce the visability of other players near NPCs. 

How To Hide Other Players Near NPCs In FFXIV

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Tural looks a little less hectic. (Picture: Square Enix, screenshot: Alexandra Hobbs)

To hide other players when near quest-giving NPCs, there's a unique setting within the System Configuration settings. Under Character Configuration, look for the header 'Quest Progression Settings.'

Here, you'll spot two options to handle overcrowding near NPCs: 

  • Hide nearby players when close to quest NPCs
  • Hide nearby players when interacting with quest NPCs

Selecting either of those will also allow you to hide party members, if you so choose. The idea hear is to allow you to have a better view of the quest giving NPC, either to interact or just see them. For some, it also helps aid immersion. 

Naturally, as time goes on, this becomes less of an issue with more players making their way through and completing the expansion. But it's useful to know for future expansions or limited-time events.