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FromSoftwares Miyazaki states He Would Be On Board With A Bloodborne PC Port or Remake

It seems there's more desire for a Bloodborne remake than we thought as the FromSoft director states he wouldn't be opposed to it at all.
FromSoftwares Miyazaki states He Would Be On Board With A Bloodborne PC Port or Remake

At a time when a Bloodborne PC port or remake feels like a pipe dream to many of us, the lead director of FromSoftware has come forward to let us know he feels the same. While he shares many players' sentiments about wanting to return to the blood-soaked streets of Yharnam, we don't know what this means for a possible future re-release.

Let's take a look at the details of this recent statement from Hidetaka Miyazaki and why it still leaves many of us Bloodborne players with a mixed reaction of hope and grief when it comes to a remake or PC port for Bloodborne.

FromSoftwares Miyazaki states He Would Be On Board With A Bloodborne PC Port or Remake

During a recent interview with PC Gamer, FromSoftware's Director Hidetaka Miyazaki was asked about the possibility of a Bloodborne PC port. While he usually steers clear of this topic, this time he shared some of his and his team's thoughts. 

Miyazaki States He Isnt Opposed To A Bloodborne PC Port
Miyazaki has stated in a recent interview that he is not opposed to the idea of a Bloodborne PC Port.

He stated, “I know for a fact these guys [the developers] want a Bloodborne PC port,” and went on to say, “If I say I want one, I’ll get in trouble as well. But it’s nothing I’m opposed to."

Miyazaki then made a more personal comment reflecting how he feels about the prospect of a remake or PC port: “Obviously, as one of the creators of Bloodborne, my personal, pure honest opinion is I’d love more players to be able to enjoy it. Especially as a game that is now coming of age, one of those games of the past that gets lost on older hardware—I think any game like that, it’d be nice to have an opportunity for more players to be able to experience that and relive this relic of the past."

Miyazaki States He Isnt Opposed To A Bloodborne PC Port
While Miyazaki doesn't have a full say on whether we see Bloodborne ported or remade, it's hopeful to know he wants the same thing we do.

It seems clear that Miyazaki hears and even shares the opinions of fans calling for a Bloodborne remake or PC port. While it seems his hands are tied for now since Sony owns the IP, it's nice to know that the developer feels the same way we do regarding the legacy of Bloodborne. So for now, let's continue to hope (as realistically as we can) and see what the future holds for the uncertain return of Bloodborne.