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Diablo Immortal Feast of Valenti Event: Dates & Rewards Explained

Learn about Diablo Immortal's new Valentine-themed event, the Feast of Valenti, including important dates and rewards that all players can earn.
Diablo Immortal Feast of Valenti Event: Dates & Rewards Explained

With Tong-Shi’s Renewal coming to an end in Diablo Immortal and Season 36 starting up, it's time for another huge content update. This time around, a brand-new Valentine's event has appeared in the form of Feast of Valenti, alongside a brand-new Battle Pass, items, changes, and more.

Let's leap in, Nephalem, and discuss the limited-time event, Feast of Valenti, including the start and end dates and the rewards that Diablo Immortal players can receive by participating. 

Feast of Valenti Start & End Dates

The Feast of Valenti 2025 event in Diablo Immortal begins after the server maintenance is completed. Just like with previous content updates, maintenance will run for two hours. The maintenance times and dates are: February 11, from 4 p.m.–6 p.m. PST for Oceania, China, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe Servers, and on February 12, from 12 a.m.–2 a.m. PST for servers in the Americas. 

So, precisely when does the Feast of Valenti start and end? That's a bit easier and doesn't need timezone conversions. The Feast of Valenti limited-time event in Diablo Immortal starts on 12 February at 03:00 server time and ends on 12 March at 02:59 server time, giving players a full month to enjoy the content and reap all the rewards.

All Feast of Valenti Rewards in Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortal Feast of Valenti rewards dates times
Some nice rewards to acquire! (Picture: Blizzard)

To get Feast of Valenti rewards, you must collect Bloody Hearts, a new currency, by slaying demons across limited-time events. At certain points on the track, you'll get new rewards, as you can see from the image above. Rewards include Legendary Gems and Items, Gold, and even some Telluric Pearls!

To be clear, Bloody Hearts can be earned from participating in the following limited-time events while the Feast of Valenti is active: Trial of the Hordes, Survivor’s Bane, Wild Brawl, and Fractured Plane.

Read some flavor text about the event to get the blood flowing:

"Some common folk of Sanctuary worship a blood-soaked fiend called Valenti, a powerful spirit who is known for granting their heart's desire in exchange for a grisly offering. The greater the sacrifice, the more powerful the exchange. On her name day, her power is at its apex.

Although the customary practice is to wish for love, people also use this day to make other wishes and discover their future. Those driven mad by love and loss sometimes worship this vengeful entity to greater lengths, building altars for her deep in the woods and adorning them with a fresh heart to express their devotion."

Read More: New Diablo Immortal Class, Story & Content Teased

So there you have it: everything we know about the Feast of Valenti start/end dates and rewards you can acquire. Good luck, Nephalem!


Check out our video below, discussing Diablo Immortal's story and how the game fits into the franchise's timeline.

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