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Diablo Immortal Codes (March 2025): Redeem Free Rewards

A step-by-step guide to redeeming Diablo Immortal codes for free rewards on your mobile device or PC.
Diablo Immortal Codes (March 2025): Redeem Free Rewards

If you have been searching furiously for Diablo Immortal codes to redeem, from the High Heavens to the Burning Hells, then we've got you covered.

This article explains what a Diablo Immortal code is, how you can redeem it, and what possible rewards players might receive when redeeming one.

Update on 1 March 2025: We've checked for the latest Diablo Immortal freebies and codes. Remember that there's also a Recruit a Friend program for Diablo Immortal. You can share your unique code with others to earn rewards.

Diablo Immortal codes free rewards get active latest new how to redeem
Players have been searching for Diablo Immortal codes. (Picture: Blizzard)

Diablo Immortal Codes - How To Get & Rewards?

We've got a Diablo Immortal code to share! 

Use the redemption code "LEGENDARY" on DiabloImmortal.com/Redeem to get two gear chests via in-game mail. 

The gear chests include additional Legendary Gear and Set Items as you level (six of each in total), starting at level 30.

Update: You can also use TRIALS2025 code to try on one cosmetic set.

This is for new players, as you must redeem the code within 72 hours of creating your Diablo Immortal account. It is limited to one character per account.

How To Redeem Diablo Immortal Codes

Diablo Immortal codes free rewards get active latest new how to redeem
We captured this image recently, showing that Diablo Immortal does, in fact, have a way to redeem codes. (Picture: Blizzard)

If we ever complete our quest to find you a Diablo Immortal code, then there are some simple steps Nephalem can take to redeem it.

Below, check out the step-by-step instructions on quickly redeeming working Diablo Immortal codes.

  • Launch Diablo Immortal on your mobile device or PC.
  • On the right-hand side of the screen, tap or click on the game's menu.
  • Head into Settings.
  • Click or tap on the Account tab.
  • Click or tap on the Redeem button.
  • Enter the latest Diablo Immortal code.
  • Click or tap on the Redeem button to get your free rewards.

Remember to redeem a Diablo Immortal code as soon as you find one. Most online titles' codes expire, so don't miss out on some potential free rewards.

As a side note, if you have a Backbone One controller, the Backbone app, and subscribe to Backbone+, you can get a Premium Adventurer’s Pack for free.

We will endeavor to update this article once we find a redemption code for Diablo Immortal as we continue to search daily.

Diablo Immortal Codes (March 2025): Redeem Free Rewards FAQ

Does Diablo Immortal have codes to redeem?

Despite Diablo Immortal having an option to redeem codes, there is no active code currently available.


Check out our video below, discussing Diablo Immortal's story and how the game fits into the franchise's timeline.

For more Diablo Immortal, be sure to check out our dedicated section or some of our Guides & Tutorials just below:

Diablo Immortal Class Builds - Best Crusader Build | Best Barbarian Build | Best Monk Build | Best Necromancer Build | Best Wizard Build | Best Demon Hunter Build | All Classes Tier List |

Diablo Immortal Guides - Character Server Transfer | Next Hungering Moon | Hell Difficulty Levels | Combat Rating (CR) | Recruit A Friend | Redeem Codes | Next Season | Fractured Plane Event | Vote Kick Feature | Next Helliquary Boss | XP Bug Fix | Class Change | Max Level Cost | Lost Pages | Legacy of the Horadrim | Player vs. Player (PVP) | Set Items | Resonance | Potency | Level Progression | TradingMarketplace | Zone Events | Unlock Stormpoint | Phantom Market Lucky Draw Guide | Fabled Wisp | Fire Before Darkness | Set Crafting | Latest Redeem Codes

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