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All Destiny 2 Savathun's Throne World Region Chest Locations

Here's a quick guide to finding all the region chests on Savathun's Throne World in Destiny 2
All Destiny 2 Savathun's Throne World Region Chest Locations

Savathun's Throne World in Destiny 2 is probably the first location in the game to have traces of both Light and Darkness at the same time. This aspect is rather interesting because Savathun, who was initially allied to the Darkness changed sides and was given the Light by the Traveller. The overall location is very vibrant but is crawling with Hive and Scorn enemies. 

Like most regions in the game. Savathun's Throne World in Destiny 2 has nine region chests for you to collect. However, what's interesting about this is the fact that this is the first region where all the chests were tied to a campaign quest. Having said that, here's where you can find all nine region chests in Savathun's Throne World in Destiny 2. 

All Destiny 2 Savathun's Throne World Region Chest Locations 

There are three main regions in Savathun's Throne World in Destiny 2, namely: Miasma, Quagmire, and Florescent Canal. Interestingly enough, the chests here can be easily located. This could be because they were associated with a quest, and hiding them would mean making the quest more difficult.



  • The first region chest here is to the west of the Metamorphosis lost sector. Head to the location of the chest on the map, and look for a cave entrance. Follow the cave till you come to the end. You'll find the region chest at the end of the cave.
  • Head back to the lost sector and then head to the right. You will find a big tower here. Scale the tower and you'll find the chest on the topmost level of this tower. 
  • The last region chest here can be found to the north of the lost sector. Keep going straight till you come to a broken-down Hive structure. The chest can be found here. 



  • For the first region chest, head to the area where the Scorn enemies spawn. There should be a small platform here, on top of the elevated surface. The chest is located at the edge of this platform. 
  • For the second chest, look for a bridge in the Quagmire region. Jump under the bridge and you'll notice a gap. Go through the gap and collect the chest inside. 
  • The final chest is found at the southern most edge of this location. Head to the edge and then look for the castle edge here. Scale the structure and you'll find the chest here. 

Florescent Canal


  • The first chest in this region is located close to the big chasm. Head to the area and travel to the southern most tip of the region. Look down and you should spot the chest on a platform. Jump down and collect the chest.
  • The second chest can be found a little northwards from the Court of Thorns. There's a tower on top of which you'll find this chest. 
  • The final chest is behind a waterfall in the area. Drop down the waterfall, onto the platform and head inside the room to collect the final chest. 

If you haven't been able to complete the "Trust Goes Both Ways" mission in Destiny 2 so far, this should help you wrap that mission up with ease. Don't forget to visit Fynch and claim any rank up rewards that he has to offer.