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Best Titan Solar Build For Destiny 2 PvE and PvP (Season 23)

Let's break down the best Solar Titan builds for both Destiny 2 PVE and PVP.
Best Titan Solar Build For Destiny 2 PvE and PvP (Season 23)

The dust has settled a bit following the release of Lightfall, Destiny 2's latest expansion. Now that it's been out for some time, we can finally take a look at the revamped mod system and put together what we consider to be top-tier Meta builds

What makes a build good? It all depends on what you want to do. If you're a PVE fanatic, you might find more value in builds that are better for burst damage and survivability. PVP players might need faster recovery and snappier movement options. Things that don't necessarily hit hard, but certainly hit fast. Let's get down to brass tacks and take a look at the best PVE and PVP builds for Solar Titans in Destiny 2.

Best Solar Titan PVE Build: Splendid Ashes

Solar Titan. What is there to say that hasn't already been said? This might still, even after multiple nerfs, be the best subclass in the game right now that isn't a Solar Starfire Protocol Warlock build. While this isn't quite as supportive in its playstyle as the Warlock's, it will keep you from dying in nearly every piece of content that isn't Master level or higher. Let's break it down. 

We're going to combine Loreley with Throwing Hammers to create a ton of Sunspots and heal indefinitely. 

We all fall down.

Required Gear

  • Exotic Armor: Loreley Splendor Helm (helmet)

Loreley creates a Sunspot with improved Solar restoration when critically wounded or when you cast your Barricade. This is incredibly useful because while we're going to be surviving a lot of things, it's because we're going to be taking our health down to red bar very often. Get ready to cheat death here. 

Class Setup

  • Super: Hammer of Sol
  • Grenade: Incendiary Grenades
  • Class AbilityThe choice is yours, but if I'm in harder content, I go for Rally Barricade
  • Melee: Throwing Hammer
  • Jump: Catapult Lift

This build is 100% reliant on Throwing Hammers. Make sure you have them equipt or else this will not be what you want it to be!


  • Sol Invictus: creates Sunspots when you get Solar ability final blows, hit targets with Hammer of Sol, and defeat Scorched targets. Sunspots apply Scorch and deal damage to the targets inside them. They also apply Restoration to you and your allies when you walk through them. 
  • Roaring Flames: Solar ability final blows or ignitions increase the damage of your Solar abilities and stacks up to 3x. 


  • Ember of Ashes for more Scorch stacks
  • Ember of Searing for Melee energy
  • Ember of Torches to make you and your allies radiant on charged melee attacks. 
  • Ember of Solace to extend the effects of Radiant and Restoration. 

Armor Mods

Outside of Stat Mods, you'll want to min/max for ability uptime to further lean into the grenade, melee, and rift spam that this build is all about. 

  • Head Mods: I recommend Solar Syphon x2 and Heavy Ammo Finder for more orbs and heavy ammo
  • Arm Mods: I recommend Grenade Kickstart and Heavy Handed for more grenade energy and orb generation
  • Chest Mods: I recommend Emergency Reinforcement and whatever damage reduction mods of your choosing. Emergency Reinforcement is crazy strong right now and a requirement for high-end content
  • Leg Mods: I recommend Solar Weapon Surge and Stacks on Stacks. These will grant you additional solar weapon damage and additional stacks of Armor Charge. 
  • Mark Mods: I recommend Time Dilation, Bomber, and Outreach for longer Armor Charge duration and increased cooldowns on grenades and melee charges. 


  • Kinetic Slot: Witherhoard (recommended) While not required, Witherhoard is a kinetic slot grenade launcher that deals DOT (damage over time). It is a great way to apply constant DPS to enemies, keep your grenade uptime going consistently, and is just a fun weapon to use. 
  • Energy Slot: The choice here is yours, but I do recommend my personal favorite, Calus Mini Tool with Incandescent. If you don't have a Calus Mini Tool, you can run any solar weapon you like here, but since we're leaning into Scorch, I recommend having a weapon with Incandescent. 
  • Heavy Slot: Again, this is completely up to you. Right now, Grenade Launchers and Rockets have become favorable, but Linear Fusion Rifles are still a great option. Regardless of what it is, I recommend a Solar Heavy weapon to lean into the synergy of the build. 
Tick tick tick tick tick tick goes the damage!

Stat Distribution 

For these, you'll want to focus on as much Resilience and Recovery as possible for both survivability, but also Barricade uptime. Next would be a minimum of 60 Strength, but anything higher is obviously better. The rest of the stats are completely up to you. 


This is the best build for Endgame activities for Solar Titans that I've ever used. I am constantly healing or incredibly resistant to incoming damage, dealing massive damage myself, and even supporting my teammates a bit. I cannot recommend it enough.


Best Solar Titan PVP Build: Kickstart Ignition

This Solar Titan PVP build is basically going to change nothing from the PVE build aside from one or two things. Really, we want to just keep leaning into being a fast, Shoulder Charging fiend here. Trying to keep some of the Solar buffs going to maximize how much damage we deal out is important, so we want to make sure that we're using our abilities if we have them! 

Kick all of the things

Required Gear

  • Exotic Armor: Peregrine Greaves (legs)

Shoulder Charge like you've never Shoulder Charged before! With these boots, jumping just before a Shoulder Charge grants you extra damage which is the only way to one-hit-kill just about anyone in PVP with it. 

Class Setup

  • Super: Burning Maul
  • Grenade: Healing Grenades
  • Class AbilityThe choice is yours, but I go for Towering Barricade
  • Melee: Hammer Strike
  • Jump: Catapult Lift

This build is based around Shoulder Charge. Make sure you don't forget to switch if you were just running some PVE content!


  • Sol Invictus: creates Sunspots when you get Solar ability final blows, hit targets with Hammer of Sol, and defeat Scorched targets. Sunspots apply Scorch and deal damage to the targets inside them. They also apply Restoration to you and your allies when you walk through them. 
  • Roaring Flames: Solar ability final blows or ignitions increase the damage of your Solar abilities and stacks up to 3x. 


These won't have an enormous effect on your gameplay in PVP, but getting the Sunspots and other buffs going will be a great way to one-up your opponents. 

  • Ember of Ashes for more Scorch stacks
  • Ember of Searing for Melee energy
  • Ember of Torches to make you and your allies radiant on charged melee attacks. 
  • Ember of Solace to extend the effects of Radiant and Restoration. 

Armor Mods

Outside of Stat Mods, you'll want to min/max for weapon steadiness and handling. These are all pretty straightforward and grant bonus weapon stats and ability recovery. 

  • Head Mods: I recommend Kinetic OR Energy Targeting
  • Arm Mods: I recommend Grenade Kickstart and Reloaders of your choice
  • Chest Mods: I recommend Unflinching mods of your choice
  • Leg Mods: I recommend Absolution, Better Already, Orbs of Restoration
  • Mark Mods: I recommend Reaper, Bomber, Outreach


  • Kinetic Slot: I recommend Dead Man's Tale or another ranged Primary. This is yet another Ape build, but we want to make sure that we can still compete if we're too far out of range for a Shoulder Charge. 
  • Energy Slot: The choice here is yours, but I do recommend either a Shotgun or a Fusion rifle. You really can't go wrong either way, but try mixing it up based on the map!
  • Heavy Slot: Again, this is completely up to you. Right now, Grenade Launchers and Rockets have become favorable, but Linear Fusion Rifles are still a great option. Regardless of what it is, I recommend a Solar Heavy weapon to lean into some build synergy. 
Nothing gets past you, Titan!

Stat Distribution 

For these, you'll want to focus on 100 Resilience and at least 90 Recovery for both survivability, but also Barricade uptime. Next would either be Strength, to maximize your Shoulder Charge recharge rate.  


This is an extremely straightforward Ape build. Go fast, kick everything in sight, and don't forget that you do have guns other than your Shotgun to pull from. Try this out next time Trials of Osiris ends up on a smaller map! 

These are the best Solar Titan builds for PVE and PVP right now. Make sure you save them in your new Loadout slots before you start moving on to your next build!