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Modern Warfare and Warzone patch makes significant weapon balance changes

Infinity Ward has released a new patch for Warzone and Modern Warfare, making some significant weapon balance changes.
Modern Warfare and Warzone patch makes significant weapon balance changes

Developer Infinity Ward recently revealed they have two Modern Warfare and Warzone patches planned, with bug fixes and weapon balance changes. Now, the first Modern Warfare and Warzone patch has arrived bringing some significant balance changes to three of the game's weapons. 


Modern Warfare & Warzone weapon balance changes

Infinity Ward has focused on making Modern Warfare & Warzone weapon balance changes to some lesser-used weapons, buffing the Holger-26 and the M91. However, two of the most overused weapons have also received balance changes.

The Bruen MK9 is considered the most powerful longer-range weapon in Warzone right now and has seen a significant nerf.

The highly-used LMG gets its damage range reduced by 36%. This means the maximum damage range is now 1050 meters, down from 1650 meters. 

The FAL assault rifle has also seen a significant nerf to near damage (20 meters).

Before the latest Modern Warfare and Warzone patch, the FAL could do 69 damage within the 20-meter range. Now, this stat dropped by 25%, resulting in a maximum near damage output of 49. 


Modern Warfare Warzone patch weapon balance
The mighty Bruen MK9 has been nerfed (Picture: Infinity Ward)


On the other side, the Holger-26 and M91 both got buffs.

The Holger-26's buffs look to be the most significant, and could possibly make it the LMG to add to your loadout, with increased damage range and ADS speed.


Modern Warfare & Warzone patch notes

Check out the full Modern Warfare and Warzone patch notes for the latest update as per Infinity Ward's post below.

General fixes:

  • Fix for an issue where explosive rounds on the Rytec AMR could still be equipped in CDL modes
  • Fix for an error players could receive when opening the weapon armory
  • Fix for an exploit in the Shooting Range trial

FAL balance changes:

  • Increased headshot damage (2 hit at range with 1 headshot)
  • Reduced near damage (limbs and lower torso always 3 shot)

Holger-26 balance changes:

  • Increased damage range
  • Increased ADS speed

Bruen MK9 balance changes:

  • Reduced damage range

M91 balance changes:

  • Increased near damage
  • Increased ADS Speed

We can expect another Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone patch to drop soon, hopefully fixing some more bugs from the Season 5 update.

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