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CoD Modern Warfare 2 Coming With Raids Mode - Explained

This article will go over everything we know so far about the new Raids mode coming to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 later this year.
CoD Modern Warfare 2 Coming With Raids Mode - Explained

With all the big announcements made recently for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, theres a lot of new content for fans to enjoy such as a new Gunsmith System and Perks. But one of the exciting announcements that have fans curious is the reveal of a new "Raids" mode which s shrouded by some ambiguity, so if you find yourself wanting to know more, then you're in the right place.

Below we'll be taking a look at the new Raids mode announced for Modern Warfare 2 and explaining how it works, the challenges involved, and much more. So while you enjoy the currently available beta, here's what you can expect from the Raid mode once it releases. 

CoD Modern Warfare 2 Coming With Raids Mode - Explained

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is not only a follow-up to the 2019 Modern Warfare title but it's also set to innovate on the original formula and change the entire game. And the new Raids mode is a clear example of this.

CoD Modern Warfare 2 Coming With Raids Mode Explained 3v3 cooperation and strategy
Raids is a 3v3 mode that emphasizes cooperation and strategy. (Picture: Activision)

Raids are a three-player cooperative mode that requires teamwork and strategy to help your team defeat your opponents. This intense combat mode infuses Call of Duty with more strategy and teamwork than ever before. During the COD Next event Livestream, Activision called it "A whole new experience for the franchise". 

A recent tweet from the developers over at Activision also gave us some information regarding the mode, stating: "The all-new mode Raid, available after launch, tests teamwork and strategic, puzzle-solving in-between bouts of intense combat." What kind of puzzles these are and how they will work between each team is still unclear, but it's clear this mode will be about more than just getting kills. 

CoD Modern Warfare 2 Coming With Raids Mode Explained more tactical and will see puzzles as well
Raids will also have players solve puzzles and focus less on getting as many kills as possible. (Picture: Activision)

Sadly, this mode won't be accessible at first. When it does come to the game, players will undoubtedly need to do some digging to figure out the nitty-gritty details. Raids will likely be introduced before the end of 2022, so we won't have to wait too long to try out this new mode even though it won't be available at launch.

So for now, we'll just have to wait and see regarding the finer details regarding the new Raids mode coming to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. And while we wait, be sure to check out the new content currently available in Modern Warfare 2's beta

For more on the game, head to our section dedicated to the latest Call of Duty guides, news, tips, and more. 


Featured image courtesy of Activision.

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