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Call of Duty League start date, location and venue announced

The opening matches of the Call of Duty League will be held in Minnesota in January to kick off the season.
Call of Duty League start date, location and venue announced

The 24-26th January weekend will see the Minneapolis Armory host the first LAN tournament of the 2020 CDL inaugural season.

All matches at the Launch Weekend will follow a home-vs-away format with 5-versus-5 professional match play.

The weekend is hosted by a Nordic-inspired Minnesota Rokkr, revealed to be the Minnesota franchise owned by WISE Ventures earlier today. Only a handful of rosters remain unannounced and Chicago, Paris and Seattle are yet to reveal their branding.

Rumours suggest Chicago Huntsmen, Paris Legion and Seattle Surge will be the names revealed for the trio of cities left over.

Starting rosters for the Minnesota Rokkr and Los Angeles Guerillas are yet to be fully announced, with Patrick "ACHES" Price the only confirmed player for the LA franchise so far.

All 12 of the professional teams will be attending the Launch Weekend and there will also be a Challengers Open that sees an open bracket as part of the 'path to pro' for amateur teams and players.

Competitors will begin their journey via online ladders and tournaments from November while Challengers team passes for Launch Weekend will go on sale in early December.

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