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Call of Duty: Warzone finally lets players drop weapons

In a sneaky addition following the latest update, players can drop weapons in Call of Duty: Warzone.
Call of Duty: Warzone finally lets players drop weapons

Following the latest update in Season 3, players have discovered a new feature not mentioned in the official patch notes - you can now drop weapons.

Since Call of Duty: Warzone launched in March, players have been unable to drop weapons they picked up on the battlefield - with only the option to replace weapons by picking up another. 

Now a new addition to the quick inventory menu shows the ability to drop your currently equipped weapon, so your teammates can swap loadouts around. 

The addition could be extremely helpful for players coming back from the Gulag, with better equipped teammates now able to give weapons to anyone with a poor arsenal.

While it hasn’t exactly been hotly requested by players, it’s still surprising it’s took this long to add the feature - so it’s a welcome adjustment.

The new update, which is around 15GB in size, also introduces a wealth of bug fixes including adjustments to the speed and size of the gas circle. 

Activision previously outlined the roadmap of Season 3 content, which you can check out here.

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