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BitLife Zookeeper Expansion Pack: Release Date & Countdown

Candywriter has announced BitLife Zookeeper expansion pack. Find out everything we know about it here.
BitLife Zookeeper Expansion Pack: Release Date & Countdown
Picture: Candywriter

Candywriter has announced BitLife Zookeeper Expansion Pack and will feature wild animals and is likely to be a job pack. The official announcement of the pack read, "Pets? So last year. The ZOOKEEPER EXPANSION PACK is on the way! ๐Ÿ…" Here is everything we know about it including its release date, details about upcoming content and more.

BitLife Zookeeper Expansion Pack Release Date & Countdown

BitLife Zookeeper Expansion Pack Release Date.
BitLife Zookeeper Expansion Pack Release Date. (Picture: Candywriter)

The developers of BitLife have not yet announced the official release date of the Zookeeper Expansion Pack. However, based on the tweet, we can expect it to release by the end of May or in June. 

What to Expect from the Zookeeper Expansion Pack

While nothing about about the Zookeeper Expansion Pack content has been confirmed officially, based on its name, we can expect it to bring Zookeeper job to the game. You will have to take care of the animals and birds, manage a zoo, and more. 

The Zookeeper Expansion Pack will be a paid update, requiring players to purchase it separately. The price of the pack is not yet known, but it is expected to be similar to the previous expansion packs i.e. around $10.