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ARK Survival Ascended Deinosuchus Abilities And Uses

Discover the utility of this big ol' croc as we discuss the abilities and uses of the new Deinosuchus in ARK Survival Ascended.
ARK Survival Ascended Deinosuchus Abilities And Uses
Studio Wildcard

If you've been following the latest updates in ARK Survival Ascended, you might be aware that the Deinosuchus is one of the newest creatures introduced to the waters of ASA. This ancient crocodile is significantly more powerful than the game's original "croc," the Sarcosuchus, and there's a good reason.

In this guide, we'll detail the main abilities of the Deinosuchus and highlight how it can be used to its fullest potential in the game, especially as a formidable aquatic tame. So without further delay, let's dive right in.

Deinosuchus Abilities And Uses Overview In ASA

The Deinosuchus is the largest Crocodilian on the Island, Scorched Earth, and The Center, featuring huge and powerful jaws and a large, robust body. It can easily overpower you or your tames if you're not careful. However, once you know where the Deinosuchus spawns and how to tame it, this formidable creature can become a powerful asset with several impressive abilities.

Deinosuchus Active Abilities:

ARK Survival Ascended Deinosuchus Abilities
The Deinosuchus has a powerful Bite and Giga Bite ability that can easily one-shot or tear through even the toughest enemies. (Picture: Shane / Studio Wildcard)
  • Bite: Deals 55 damage to the target. If the rider aims at the sides or back of the Deinosuchus, it will turn and bite in that direction. This attack can be used every 0.45 seconds by both a rider and the AI.
  • Tail Swipe: Swipes its tail to deal 70 damage to the target. This move can be used every 5 seconds by both a rider and the AI.
  • Giga Bite: Charges a powerful bite that scales up to 425 damage when fully charged. If released at 50% charge or higher, the bite is performed. At 100% charge, it inflicts the Fractured debuff on the target. This ability can be used every 15 seconds by both a rider and the AI.
  • Roar: Roars without any gameplay effect, possibly for intimidation.

Deinosuchus Passive Abilities:

ARK Survival Ascended Deinosuchus Abilities Passives
The Deinosuchus also has passive abilities and uses that make it extremely valuable as more than just an offensive Tame. (Picture: Shane / Studio Wildcard)
  • Surface Swimming: Swims on the water surface like a raft. To deactivate this mode, swim down using the crouch button.
  • Free Swimming: Swims normally like an aquatic creature. To deactivate this mode, swim up to the surface.
  • Piranha Scarer: Scares away Piranhas while swimming.
  • Damage Reduction: Reduces incoming damage by 65% from arrows, 30% from firearms, and 50% from all sources when hit on the head. These reductions stack if hit on the head by arrows or firearms.

While these abilities make the Deinosuchus a capable combatant, it also excels in utility. Its quick swimming speed and good weight capacity make it ideal for exploring or transporting heavy objects efficiently. To maximize its potential, focus on leveling up Health and Damage for combat, and Stamina and Weight for exploration and transport.

ARK Survival Ascended Deinosuchus Abilities Things to note
The Deinosuchus is useful and strong, but keep in mind that it can be easily picked off from a distance and is quite a slow mover on land. (Picture: Shane / Studio Wildcard)

However, a notable drawback is its size and movement speed. Deinosuchus is much slower on land, making them easy targets for ranged attacks from flying enemies or distant players. Consider this when using it in PvP or against ranged foes.

Overall, the Deinosuchus is a solid tame and a valuable addition to ARK Survival Ascended. Now that you know its abilities and potential, you can make the most of this powerful crocodilian. For more guides, news, updates, and more, be sure to check out our dedicated ARK Survival Ascended section!