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2XKO Alpha Lab: Dates, How To Join, Regions & FAQs

Everything you need to know about the 2XKO Alpha Lab test, including how you can join, the important dates, regions, platforms, and more.
2XKO Alpha Lab: Dates, How To Join, Regions & FAQs
Riot Games

Are you ready for the first public playtest of Riot Games' fighting game, 2XKO? Then we suggest you enter the arena right now by registering for the 2XKO Alpha Lab test right now!

Previously known only as "Project L," 2XKO promises intense 2v2 tag fighter action perfect for the fighting game esports scene. If you are interested, let's dive in and discuss everything you need to know about the 2XKO Alpha Lab test, from how you can register to the dates, platforms, regions, and much more.

How To Join 2XKO Alpha Lab Test & Dates

Registrations for the 2XKO Alpha Lab test opened up on 26 June 2024 at 13:00 PT. You need to sign up for the Alpha Lab on the official website and enter your Riot Account details. If you don't have a Riot Account yet, we suggest creating one asap. 

2XKO alpha lab playtest how to join register dates times regions platforms requirements details gameplay
Register for the 2XKO Alpha Test today! (Picture: Riot Games)

Between 26 July and 8 August, you will receive a survey via email. You must fill this in, as it is required to join the 2XKO Alpha Lab playtest. Players who are selected to participate will then get an email invitation with details on how to download the game.

The 2XKO Alpha Lab test runs from 13:00 PT on 8 August to 19 August at the same time. The first round of invites will go out when the playtest begins.

2XKO Alpha Lab Regions & Platforms

The 2XKO Alpha will take place for the following countries/regions:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • Japan

At the time of writing, it is unclear when/if the 2XKO Alpha Lab will expand to add more countries or regions. 

This isn't just a PC playtest. You can also join the 2XKO playtest on Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5!

2XKO Minimum PC Requirements

2XKO alpha lab playtest how to join register dates times regions platforms requirements details gameplay
I can't help but wonder what those arcade machine specs are like...(Picture: Riot Games)

To play the 2XKO Alpha Lab test on PC, you must have a gaming rig with at least the following specs:

  • Intel i7-4790
  • Nvidia GTX 960
  • 8GB RAM
  • Windows 10

The GPU is for 1080p gaming, and these minimum requirements might change between the playtest and the launch in 2025.

2XKO Alpha Lab FAQs

On X, Riot Games shared a huge bunch of frequently asked questions about the 2XKO Alpha Lab test. So this article doesn't become a wall of text; you can click on the FAQs below to expand with their official answers.

How do friend referrals work?

Players who are selected to participate will receive a shareable referral link that grants Alpha Lab access to one friend. Players will only get one friend referral link, and each link can only be redeemed once. If you’re referred to Alpha Lab through a friend, you won’t receive your own referral link to share.

Can I play on both PC and console?

Yes. All Alpha Lab participants will be able to play the game on PC and up to one additional console. After you redeem your Alpha Lab code on one console, you won’t be able to switch to another (so choose wisely).

Which controllers are supported?

Officially licensed peripherals will work on console, while keyboard/mouse, most controllers, and most basic fightsticks will work on PC. At launch we plan to support a range of controllers, but for Alpha Lab we haven't been focused on optimizing the game for all controller types and setups. We'll continue to build support for other peripherals over time.

Which languages will be available?
  • English
  • Japanese
  • French (France)
  • Spanish (LATAM)
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
*Menus will have translations available, but in-game audio and HUD will not during Alpha Lab.
Can I livestream my gameplay and/or post it to social media?

Please do! Not only is it great feedback for us, but it’s also just awesome to see what you’re getting up to in-game.

I want to run a 2XKO tournament/event during Alpha Lab. How do I do that?

Tbh that’s sick as hell. But heads up that Alpha Lab is meant to test the online game flow and isn’t set up to support TOs just yet. It won’t include offline or local play. You’re welcome to run an event, but it’ll have to be online.

How do I provide feedback and report bugs?

We’ll be sending out a feedback survey to all Alpha Lab participants after the playtest ends, but feel free to tell us your thoughts on social at any time. We won’t be able to respond to everything, but we’ll be listening to all of it.

How do I report players for inappropriate behavior?

Alpha Lab won’t include any in-game reporting system. For truly egregious or disruptive behavior, hit up Player Support.

Will my data carry over once the full game has launched?

No. All player data will reset once Alpha Lab ends and will not carry over into the full game or any future playtests.

Will there be more at-home playtests in the future?

Yes, although we don’t have dates or other specific info for you right now. We’ll always announce any upcoming playtests on our social channels, so follow us to stay in the loop.

How will the game differ between Alpha Lab and launch?

The version of the game that’ll be available during Alpha Lab is very much a work in progress, and it will feel that way. Players who participate in Alpha Lab will get a good idea of what the game’s all about, but shouldn’t expect a level of polish anywhere near that of a final product (or even some other fighting game playtests). Again, there’s going to be some very unfinished stuff in there. But by collecting your feedback this early, we’re giving ourselves as much time as possible to improve the game before it launches for everyone in 2025.

Want to learn even more about the 2XKO Alpha Lab test? Then check out the video below, where Sajam travels to Riot HQ to talk to Executive Producer Tom Cannon and Game Director Shaun Rivera.