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What’s the worst game you’ve ever bought? GINX readers share their regrets

We asked the GINX community about the game purchases haunting their sleepless nights, ranging from glitch-fests to the biggest disappointments.
What’s the worst game you’ve ever bought? GINX readers share their regrets

We’ve all made bad decisions. Whether risking slightly out of date milk, believing Kinect is the future, or prioritising winning over the safety of your living room during Wii Sports tennis. 

These bad decisions unfortunately stretch to our game purchases. While we try to inform on the games worth your hard-earned cash, humans can be rogue creatures - susceptive to alluring brands, genre tastes and impulse buys.

So when we asked the worst games the GINX community has ever purchased, there was a range of answers from the SNES to the PS4. It also proved some people have fortunately never played a bad game at all, bizarrely selecting Red Dead Redemption 2, Dishonored 2 and The Last Of Us. 

What were the top picks? Unsurprisingly Fallout 76 got a shout out, which faced an enormous wave of disappointment upon its initial launch from longtime Fallout fans. 


Other notable mentions include Aliens: Colonial Marines. Writing about the title on GINX’s Facebook, James Clews, wrote: “I consider myself a massive nerd of the franchise and even I couldn't bring myself to play it all the way through.”

Assassin’s Creed Unity, known for its bizarre glitches upon release, also got a mention from Teresa Kivela, who wrote: “Bought it since I love most AC games, but that one was just bad. Had worked if they kept with the game-style from the previous games.”

Rich Bunnett called out Frogger by A&F Software, giving everyone a history lesson in terrible games, writing: “Bought it unseen. Just give this video 20 seconds then come back and say your choice was worse.”


Andrew Thomas meanwhile had particular beef with PS1 title Martian Gothic: Unification, writing: “If I remember correctly it was labelled as ‘Resident Evil in space’. Whoever came up with that pitch should have been sued! Unbelievably boring and slow.”

You can check out a range of atrocities below.


The bogey list from GINX readers

  • Crash n’ Burn
  • Astonishia Story
  • Fallout 76
  • Test Drive Unlimited 2
  • Killzone
  • Nights of Azure
  • 007 Legends
  • Silent Hill: Homecoming
  • FIFA 18
  • Assassin’s Creed Unity
  • Fade To Black
  • Martian Gothic
  • Conan Exiles
  • Medal of Honor 2010
  • Pitfighter
  • Alien: Colonial Marines
  • Mercenaries 2
  • Superman Returns
  • Lair
  • Damnation
  • Virus
  • A Bug’s Life
  • Mind Zero
  • E.T.
  • Gran Turismo Sport
  • Battlefield V
  • Dark
  • Frogger (A&F Software)

If you want to get involved, you can add your worst game purchases to the comments below or keep an eye on GINX’s Twitter for the next discussion topic.