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New Crazy Taxi Game Is a Massive Open World MMO Driving Game

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New Crazy Taxi Game Is a Massive Open World MMO Driving Game

Back in December, SEGA announced that they’re going full nostalgia by bringing back games like Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe and Crazy Taxi.

While details remain pretty slim on most of them, it looks like we do have an update of sorts about the new Crazy Taxi. You see, they’re currently recruiting staff for the title with these job listings that indicate it’s going to be a large-scale, open world MMO driving game.

They’ve also released this rather nifty recruitment video with the director of the original game - Kenji Kanno - and other members of the dev team at Sapporo Studio.

They’re in the process of adapting the original Crazy Taxi’s gameplay - which is basically all about getting passengers from A to B as quick as you can - to be playable in an MMO. It’s being built in Unreal Engine, and according to the video, will take place somewhere in the US West Coast and have a ‘theme park-like map”.

Now not every game needs to be an MMO. But, a game with hundreds of cars all driving at high speeds sounds utterly insane, and I’m so for it. It’s those exact type of innovations that will be needed to make this feel fresh and new - though with it being online, we’ve just gotta pray they don’t shoehorn in a load of monetisation and battle passes. 

And who knows, you might qualify for the job listings and could help SEGA avoid such disappointing decisions. Just be prepared that you might have to move to Japan, which might be a bit spenny.