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Is Hyper Front Actually A Good 5v5 Mobile FPS Game?

We explored whether Hyper Front, a 5v5 FPS mobile game, is any good and how closely it matches up with Valorant.
Is Hyper Front Actually A Good 5v5 Mobile FPS Game?

First-person shooters (FPS) have seemingly overtaken the mobile games market. Not that it’s a problem; it's a marvel to witness its massive growth. And no, we're not talking about poorly designed, blatantly copied versions of Counter-Strike filled with microtransactions to make a quick buck.

Instead, we're talking about popular titles like Call of Duty: Mobile, Critical Ops, and Apex Legends Mobile, which in many regards have massively impacted mobile games as a whole. Likewise, these games have inspired others to join the fray, too; case-in-point: Hyper Front.

This article discusses Hyper Front, a five-versus-five FPS mobile game available for Android and iOS, which many regards as having a heavy resemblance to Valorant. In particular, we ask the question: Is Hyper Front more than just a blatant copy of Valorant Mobile, or is it somewhat of an original concept worth your time?

What Is Hyper Front, And How Do You Play?

hyper front, hyper front news, netease, valorant, valorant news, riot games
Hyper Front is a 5v5 FPS game. (Picture: Facebook / NetEase)

Developed and published by NetEase, Hyper Front is an FPS mobile game featuring tactical 5v5 combat. The game features various modes, such as Classic and Ranked Mode, Deathmatch, Quick SND, Team Mode, and Arms Race. Hyper Front revolves around twelve playable but purchasable heroes, comprising two abilities and ultimate skill.

There are a plethora of cosmetics, seasonal Battle Passes, casual events, and a clan system to band your friends together. Of course, you’ll need to strategically play with your team to gain the upper hand by securing areas across the map. Before starting your game, you’ll enter one of the five available maps: Momijigawa, Glacier Exploration Center, City of Citizens, City of Gardens, and Desert Tower.

Hyper Front all purchasable weapons sniper rifles, LMGs, shotguns.
Hyper Front has many purchasable weapons, such as sniper rifles, LMGs, and even shotguns. (Picture: YouTube / Mike Fringe)

Hyper Front’s gameplay focuses on playing with your team of five players against the opposing squad and either eliminating them all to win the round or successfully detonating a planted bomb. There are four rounds in total, with a switch happening every two rounds.

To eliminate your enemies, you’ll need to purchase weapons and abilities before the round starts via the Purchase Menu. Among the weapons are pistols, assault rifles, LMGs, shotguns, SMGs, and sniper rifles. Each round, you’ll receive money to buy weapons depending on factors like winning, kills, etc.

Is Hyper Front A Valorant Clone Or An Original FPS Game?

Hyper Front has some uncanny heroes resembling characters from Valorant.
Hyper Front has some uncanny heroes resembling characters from Valorant. (Picture: Facebook / NetEase)

Nowadays, coming up with originality in games isn’t the most straightforward feat. In fact, many new games are inspired by previous works; as the constant trend of innovation continues, so does the game-volution chain. But what differentiates a game from being mildly inspired to a blatant code-for-code clone?

Well, that comes down to the number of uncanny resemblances and features a title holds compared to another. Truthfully, Hyper Front is arguably a blatant copy of Riot Games’ Valorant.

From Hyper Front’s heroes to map and gameplay design, cosmetics, weapons, and even the HUD interface and multi-kill banners, one would easily spot the resemblances a mile away. For example, the heroes appear to be carbon copies of those from Valorant, only disguised in different forms. There’s a KAY/O, Sova, and even a Sage clone that can summon frozen walls.

But does that mean you shouldn’t play Hyper Front? No, it doesn’t. The game’s pretty good, and its visuals and sound design at max settings are impeccable. And although it may be an overt duplicate of Valorant, its silver-lining is that Hyper Front features various mechanics most players have grown to love about Valorant. 

Don’t be dissuaded from playing Hyper Front. Despite many of its building blocks being stolen from another monolith of a game, it’s still extremely enjoyable to play at its core. Until Valorant Mobile officially debuts, Hyper Front is a great title to fill up your time while waiting or continuing playing for the future.

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Featured image courtesy of NetEase.