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Can't Open Habbo Hotel Origins Website: Are Servers Down?

Having trouble accessing Habbo Hotel Origins? It might be the servers.
Can't Open Habbo Hotel Origins Website: Are Servers Down?

Habbo Hotel Origins launched on June 18, 2024, letting fans travel back in time to when life was easier. Recreating the vibes of 2005, Haboo Hotel Origins features everything you remember, including Fallin Furni and players closing the pool (IYKYK). 

But with all the excitement at launch, players have been having trouble not only signing up, but logging in. So, are the servers down?

Is The Habbo Hotel Origins Website Down?

At launch, the Habbo Hotel Origins website saw a huge influx of eager players attempting to sign up and hop into the game. As a result, the website struggled to cope with the initial capacity. If you've been hit with a 502: Bad Gateway message, or a 404, then this is likely the reason. 

In a post to X, Habbo said: "we're seeing a serious influx of people into the service at the moment, please hold tight while we try and get people in!"

So, if you see these messages, just hold tight. Things will quieten down in time.

How To Check Habbo Hotel Origins Server Status

In order to check the status of Habbo Hotel Origin's servers, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the official social channels. Here, the dev team will be posting updates to let fans know what's going on, and when to expect maintentance to end.