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Sandbox Dating Sim Date Everything! Slides Into A Sexy June 2025 Release

Love (and heartbreak) will, unfortunately, have to wait a while...
Sandbox Dating Sim Date Everything! Slides Into A Sexy June 2025 Release
(Picture: Sassy Chap Games)

The sandbox dating simulator Date Everything from developer Sassy Chap Games will put a unique spin on love, dating, and relationships from a first-person perspective. This game garnered attention for all the right reasons, such as its quirky narrative and gameplay concepts of turning household objects like appliances, furniture, and more into dateable and potentially romantic partners.

Initially intended for a 2024 release, before it was delayed to a sexy Valentine's Day 2025 release (14th February 2025), the developer sadly had to break our hearts. The game was announced to be delayed once more, but it will be delayed by just a few more months for extra TLC before players can date everything when the game launches on its new release date.

Posted to the game's social media accounts and the Steam News hub, Lead Designer and voice actor Ray Chase revealed that Date Everything will now receive a less "sexy a date" as it will now arrive on consoles and PCs in June 2025. In the official announcement, Chase stated, "The game is complete to a standard that we feel has reached our goals with no compromise in our bonkers artistic vision."

But tragedy struck, and hearts were broken as the development team "ran out of time" to "properly test all the wild amount of content and pathing that exists in this massive game" which moving its release date allows them to complete their testing and check a few more things on their checklist. "Our bug list is finally starting to dwindle down as QA gets through the labyrinthine story pathing, but to submit our game in the state with so many outstanding glitches would be doing you a disservice,"  Chase added.

As we wait with great anticipation for this sandbox dating sim to welcome us home, the premise of Date Everything is pretty straightforward: you'll play a customer service agent working remotely from home who unceremoniously loses their job to AI on their first. But not all hope has been lost as they receive a rather peculiar package containing a pair of beautifully designed and "magical glasses," the "dateviators" that identify and acknowledge everything to be living and existing in their home.

In the meantime, we can expect some announcements, voice actor reveals, and new gameplay footage in the coming months. Although we're unsure if the dev team was kidding, apparently, those pesky bugs the QA team will tackle are dateable in-game and appropriately named Daemon (we bet he's a delight)!

Date Everything comes to consoles and PC sometime in June 2025, but don't worry, a release date will be announced in the coming months, so keep your calendar clear! The game is available to add to players' Wishlist, and pre-order details will be announced soon.