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Best cosplayer accounts to follow to learn the art form

We take a look at the best cosplayer accounts to follow if you want to get into cosplay, so you can learn from the greats.
Best cosplayer accounts to follow to learn the art form

Real cosplaying isn't purchasing an expensive Batman suit, and strutting around an event as if you own the place. It is an art form which requires lots of dedication. The best cosplayers create their own outfits and props from scratch and transcend static, traditional art into a mobile spectacle of awesomeness.

It isn't just about the costume either, as the attitude and demeanour of the character need to be portrayed in detail. If you want to learn how to cosplay, then you need to follow the best cosplayer accounts.

We've got you covered with the best cosplayer accounts to follow, starting with the top three that focus on gaming, followed by a list of 10 fantastic cosplay accounts that you shouldn't miss out on either.

Redemption Props

Rohit Kailashiya, also known as Redemption Props, is my personal favourite cosplayer after he blew everyone away at The International 2019's cosplay contest.

His self-made costume of the Dota 2 Treat Protector was stunning, to say the least. His movement, extreme attention to detail and bravado earned him the "Best in Show" award. He also shows his followers how he creates his amazing costumes, going into detail on his process.

Follow Redemption Props on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


Sonia “Cinderys” Grillet emerged on the BlizzCon 2019 stage as Leah Prime Evil. There is no doubt that everyone watching at home and in the audience got chills as the fog lingered about her every step. Her fantastic attitude and her craftsmanship simply blew everyone away. Cinderys became the overall winner of the BlizzCon 2019 cosplay contest.

The idea of Leah Prime Evil came to her two years prior to the event, with the concept being "What if Leah had defeated Diablo and wore it as her armour". She spoke about her journey on the Cinderys Art website, explaining what it took (money and effort) to get there. It is a story well worth reading if you want to learn how to cosplay.

Follow Sonia “Cinderys” Grillet on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and her website.

Yaya Han

Yaya Han turns 40 this year and has been in the cosplay business since 1999. She is an incredible cosplayer with our personal favourite costume being Chun-Li Street Fighter fans will love.

Many of her best cosplays feature gaming characters, from Ada Wong (Resident Evil 2 Remake) to Nightraven Fiora (LoL). She is a regular judge at cosplay competitions and has appeared on Heroes of Cosplay. Yaya Han has also featured as a guest judge on the reality show King of the Nerds multiple times. She is a cosplayer everyone who wants to get into the trade should follow, as she explains in detail how her creations came to life.

Follow Yaya Han on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

10 more cosplayer accounts to follow

The top cosplayer accounts to follow in this article so far have all been about the individuals who take gaming characters as their inspiration for cosplay. However, there are hundreds of other great cosplayer accounts to follow.

Check out ten of our additional top picks (sorted in no particular order) below featuring a wide variety of styles, as well as links to their Instagram accounts.

Closing Thoughts

If you want to get into cosplaying, then you should definitely follow these cosplayer accounts. It is always advisable to also follow those who cosplay the types of characters you would like to try out. The picks in this article honour some of the most talented individuals out there, but don't be afraid to branch out, and follow as many as you can.