With Escape from Tarkov wiping relatively soon, players begin strategizing how they can boost through the ranks quickly again (gunsmith tasks.. *cough cough*) and reach the top of the Tarkov food chain. Although, ranking up means the completion of quests; quests lead to different lines and objectives ultimately deciding your speed of progress. Essentially, the wipe provides all PMCs with a crossroads, you can either roam the streets hunting the Bronze pocket watch like a bozo, or descend from the heavens on day one of wipe at level fifteen.
Escape from Tarkov wipes are the most refreshing part of a PMCs life, a time to forget the old and embrace the new, alongside all Battlestate Games weapon implementations and ignorance of audio issues. All PMCs are granted another five-seven months of consistent Escape from Tarkov play before the game becomes mentally exhausting. Besides that, we get a wipe and you know what that means, the Escape from Tarkov wipe cycle begins!
Table of Contents
The Best Escape from Tarkov Quests to Complete After Wipe
This task order will enable players to progress through the ranks at a faster pace than the average player. Most people haven't played Escape from Tarkov in a few months after the game finally wipes, therefore it typically takes players a slightly longer time to get to grips with the game again. Only consistent Tarkov warriors excel in the early stages of the wipe due to their consistency in playing the game through all wipe cycles.
First off, players should select the USEC faction to disable to chances of being killed by Rouge operatives on maps like Lighthouse. This isn't necessary for XP gain but more beneficial when operating on rouge territory considering Rouges are Ex-USEC.
Escape From Tarkov Recommended Quest Order List
If you want to cut to the chase, here's our list of the best Escape From Tarkov Quest to complete immediately after wipe:
- Gunsmith Part One
- Introduction
- Debut
- Checking
- Shortage
- Supplier
- Acquaintance
- The Extortionist
And if you want a bit more of an explanation of why we would complete these 8 tasks, in this precise order, keep reading and we'll talk you through our comprehensive guide.
Best Escape from Tarkov Quest Order Explained
Most people would think "Introduction" is the best quest to complete first due to the reward of unlocking Jaeger, however, you unlock the ability to complete "Introduction" after completing Gunsmith Part One. Players who haven't completed Gunsmith Part One will not have the ability to complete the introduction first, otherwise, the introduction would be the best task to complete first, making Gunsmith Part One the best quest to complete first, although you must reach level two to begin the task.
Secondly, after completing Gunsmith Part One, you're going to want to accept the "Introduction" by Mechanic, this will unlock the trader Jaeger immediately for all players to prosper from the contents of his shop and additionally his tasks. For those that don't know, players have to unlock the Jaeger merchant by finding a hidden note on the map woods and handing it over to Mechanic. Once you've done that, you'll have access to his store on the merchant page and all his tasks, rewards, and profits.
Thirdly, you need to complete Prapors task "Debut," now you have access to Jaeger you can purchase the MP-133 and hand them over to Prapor immediately. Fortunately, the MP-133s don't need to be "found in-raid" and you can just purchase them from Jaeger, saving yourself so much time. Additionally, you're going to have to kill five scavs on any map, but that's light work.
Warriors, it's time to embark on the most epic journey in Escape from Tarkov history, Prapor's "Checking" golden pocket watch task. If you aren't crying tears of happiness due to the originality of this task, you're not a true Escape from Tarkov player. To find the Bronze pocket watch, find the "Machinery key" in the yellow jacket pocket of dorm room 205 in Customs (three-story building) and then open the driver's side door of the tanker in the Customs construction zone and take the pocket watch, extracting with it and handing it over to Prapor.
Expanding to Other Escape from Tarkov Merchants
Players would've already progressed substantially by this point in comparison to the beginning, having players around level five after completing all the tasks and successful runs. Players who actively engage in combat and rack up bodies will rank up quicker whilst progressing through these tasks, it's an early wipe with no bias; have some fun gunfights before everyone gets leveled up.
How can we forget Therapist? After completing "checking" it's time to accept the Therapists first task, "Shortage." This task requires players to hand over three "found in-raid" Salewas, these medical kits will be found on scavs, inside medical bags, and within the "Crack Den" in Customs. Essentially this is a game of first aid kit hide and seek, but it shouldn't be too hard to complete and can be completed simultaneously with other tasks.
Next, we're going to complete Skiers "Supplier" task unlocked at level five. Like Therapist, we're going to have to find in-raid items and hand them in. For this task specifically, I'd recommend running Factory whilst looking for the items. These items are the "Module 3M Armor" and a "TOZ-106 Shotgun," being found very easily on most scavs on Factory. Hopefully, you're going to have to kill quite a few PMCs and Scavs whilst running factory, therefore you'll be racking up passive XP.
Now to complete another farming task, Jaegers "Acquaintance" mission will require players to find in-raid the following items:
- Find 3 Iskra ration pack
- Find 2 Emelya rye croutons
- Find 2 Cans of beef stew (Large)
- Hand over 3 Iskra ration pack to
- Hand over 2 Emelya rye croutons
- Hand over 2 Cans of beef stew (Large)
The "find in-raid" tasks are great to have open in the background whilst you continue mainline tasks that require the completion of actual objectives. These tasks essentially act as passive XP whilst you grind the game, if you find these items in-raid, extract and simply hand them over to Jaeger.
Finally, you're going to want to begin Skier's next task unlocked at level seven, known as "The Extortionist," where players need to locate hidden cargo on Customs. This task rewards players with a total of $500 dollars, equating to around 60k roubles, being the largest reward gained so far. To complete this task you're going to need to obtain the "unknown key" located on the dead scav in the bush by the hole in the wall near the crack den, connecting the RUAF Roadblock to the "new" area of customs. Once obtaining this key, make your way over to the cabin the key unlocks, and find the secure folder on the floor in the cabin, then survive, extract, and hand over the item to Skier, see below for pictures.
After completing these tasks, you'll be way ahead of the competition for at least a couple of days and have provided yourself with a healthy rate of progression. Now, you'll have the option to complete several questlines by several merchants all because you completed those prior "Ice-Breaker" tasks.
For more Escape From Tarkov news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or take a look at some of our Guides & Tutorials just below:
- How to Find Extract Points In Escape From Tarkov
- Escape from Tarkov Streets Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Labs Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Reserve Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Lighthouse Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Woods Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Shoreline Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Customs Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Factory Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- Escape from Tarkov Interchange Map Extraction Points & Best Loot Spots
- How To Play With Friends In Escape From Tarkov
- How To Call In An Airdrop
- How To Level Up Charisma
- How To Unjam Guns In Escape From Tarkov
- How To Level Up Fast In Escape From Tarkov
- How To Make Money Fast In Escape From Tarkov
- How To Get Kappa Container In Escape From Tarkov
- How To Unlock The Escape From Tarkov Flea Market Fast
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 1
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 2
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 3
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 4
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 5
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 6
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 7
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 8
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 9
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 10
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 11
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 12
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 13
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 14
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 15
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 16
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 17
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 18
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 19
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 20
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 21
- Tarkov Gunsmith Quest Part 22