Sky: Children of the Light players can meet a Season of Rhythm Spirit, the Thoughtful Director, this weekend to earn a special expression. To be able to interact with the Spirit the weekend of June 21-23, players will need to have already visited the Valley of Triumph at least once, as well as started the Hopeful Steward's third quest in Aviary Village.
If you've fulfilled the prerequisites to participate in the weekend event to meet this spirit, you can head to the Vault of Knowledge to meet the Thoughtful Director. The Vault of Knowledge has eight areas and can be a bit hard to navigate, but to find this Spirit, you'll need to get to the fourth floor and head to the four player door.
To get there, you'll need to have traversed up the first three floors, lighting the lanterns on each one. If you aren't able to head up further, you'll want to double-check that you've successfully lit all of the lanterns on the floor you're currently on. As you go up, you'll also meet several other Spirits. It's a good idea to relive their memories if you haven't already; otherwise, you'll likely have to come back later.
On the fourth floor, you'll not only find the seasonal Spirit you're looking for, but you'll also find a Map Shrine. Once you get through the four player door, you can interact with the Thoughtful Director.
By interacting with the Thoughtful Director during the event and reliving their memories, you'll get the Thoughtful expression, giving you and your Sky child a new way to express yourselves!
It's also worth noting that this is a limited-time event, so players will want to make sure that they interact with the Spirit during the allotted weekend in order to get the reward; it's unknown whether this particular Spirit will be returning in the future. This Spirit isn't technically a part of the current season, and is instead a temporary visitor from the Season of Rhythm.
This chance to meet the Thoughtful Director is also going on during the limited Days of Color event, which is just one more reason to log in to Sky - you'll be able to earn the event's currency and unlock special rewards by participating in the rainbow-themed events throughout the celebration.