Well, better late than never, right? Fans all over the globe were already speculating the arrival, or absence of, the new series of items. With three-quarters of the Season gone, excuses, proposals and conspiracy theories were thrown around the trading communities.
Classic chaos makes for a hero entrance, as Psyonix has announced today all information pertinent to the Season 2 Series of items in Rocket League.
If you are not familiar with the in-game blueprint process and trading economy, fear not as you’ll be caught up in no time, but if doubts or questions linger, you might as well check our Rocket League Trading Guide for further reference.
Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about Rocket League’s Season 2 Series of items.
Rocket League Season 2 Series release date
Psyonix announced that the Rocket League Season 2 series of items will be available to all players from 23rd February 2021. The Season 2 series will be added to the blueprint drop rotation and will be slowly pushed out by the upcoming series.
(Video: Psyonix)
Rocket League Season 2 Series: how it works
If you are unfamiliar with blueprints, you can find how they work below:
After playing Online Matches, you'll have a chance of receiving a Blueprint.
Blueprints show you exactly what item you can build.
Be on the lookout for Blueprints that unlock Painted or Special Edition item variants.
Blueprints, and the items you get from them, are tradable to other players on the same platform.
This means that there are two ways for the user to get a specific item, A, having it drop randomly after a match and building it with in-game Credits or B, trading with another player for the item built from their own blueprint.
The former will be the cheapest of the options as the closest to the series release you buy, the higher the prices since they skyrocket because of their natural novelty. The latter, though, will be the fastest way although it will probably set you back a historically-high price for each item.
Rocket League Discord servers or Rocket League Garage are great places to find people who either have what you want or want what you have.
Also, some of the items and their painted and certified variants will be hitting the Item Shop soon enough, although keep in mind those credits invested in the Item Shop are not refundable as Item Shop-purchased items cannot be traded amongst players for Credits.
Rocket League Season 2 Series items
Although the full list of items and rarities from the Rocket League Season 2 Series is yet to be published by RLInsider, here’s all the information available at the time:
Tygris body
Fennec Bodacious decal
Fennec Zeus decal
Dominus Huntress decal
10dril decal
W.I.P. decal
Exalter decal
Full Speed decal
Platformer decal
Wrench Roller wheels
Medianic wheels
X-Tempo wheels
Bravado wheels
Spanner wheels
X-Tempo (Radiant) wheels
Bravado (Infinite) wheels
Spanner (Inverted) wheels
Ambustion boost
Air Strike goal explosion
(Image: Psyonix)
Rocket League Season 2 Series prices
The Item Shop prices for the Rocket League Season 2 Series should follow previous patterns -- around 2,000 credits for Black Markets, around 900 credits for Exotics, around 500 - 800 for Imports, so on and so forth.
While the blueprint-building costs will remain steady across all platforms, the trading price will vary depending on popularity, demand and previous trading pricing.
Make sure to check out and refresh RLInsider constantly for everything trading related so you don’t get heavily lowballed or straight up scammed.
We’ll keep you updated as more information rolls out regarding the Rocket League 2 Series.