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How to flip reset in Rocket League Sideswipe

Flip resetting has never been easier! Here’s how and when to do it in Rocket League Sideswipe.
How to flip reset in Rocket League Sideswipe

Rocket League’s high skill ceiling is due to a 2016 update that made it possible to hold an infinite flip and use that extra push for more power, more distance and more clips.

The car soccer video game, now also found in an app store near you completely for free, keeps this flip resetting feature intact.

Whilst it’s considered a complicated mechanic to pull off in its PC predecessor, it’s never been easier to pull off this flashy play. Fret not, fellow rocketeer, here’s everything you need to know about the flip reset move in Rocket League Sideswipe!

How to flip reset

To flip reset in Rocket League Sideswipe, you will need to tap all four of your wheels on either the ceiling or the ball. This will make you regain your second jump, also known as your flip, successfully resetting it.

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Flip resetting is a must-have skill if you plan to reach Grand Champion, the highest rank in Rocket League Sideswipe. (Picture: Psyonix)

You can only flip reset after you’ve exhausted your flip as the second time you tap the jump button (once airborne) can be done at any time, unlike in PC Rocket League that has a 1.5-second timer.

Best uses of flip resetting in Rocket League Sideswipe

Flip resetting will be extremely useful in earlier ranks compared to the original Rocket League game as the second jump/the flip is limitless without a timer.

Without any boost pads on the map, flipping is your best friend so if you are caught mid-air and you find yourself closer to the ceiling, might as well try to regain your flip to throw yourself back into the defensive half of the pitch.

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Flip resetting is so much easier in Rocket League SIdeswipe than in traditional Rocket League, it’s almost unfair! (Picture: Psyonix)

Also, flip resetting is huge for fast-paced offences where close quarters’ pressure becomes too much for the defender due to powerful shots coming in from constant flips earned from the ball.

Remember that there’s no better way to learn a mechanic than nailing it down in practice so try to get familiar with earning your flips in Free Play first then try using said flip for whatever task comes to mind second!


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Featured image courtesy of Psyonix.